Author Topic: [EU]Blackbow FEEDBACK THREAD  (Read 78659 times)

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« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2016, 10:20:02 am »
I was about to write that we actually get a 2nd opinion a lot of times when there is more than 1 admin online.
We do have the 'I' chat feature which allows players to communicate with the admins directly. Only those with admin rights can read that chat.
While it is only one way for the player, it works obviously both ways for admins. We can chat with each other without players being able to read that chat.

Just a couple of days ago Tamra and I exchanged opinions on something and I kicked a player. And at least for the few times I played lately, there mostly was another admin only. There is communication among admins. At least that is my experience.

Personally, maybe on the same level as Fin, I am a rather lenient guy when it comes to punishing. I prefer a kick above everything. Especially since most crpg players still care about the multiplier. A ban is a really harsh thing to do and rarely achieves anything imho. Nonetheless, there are things that warrant a ban. Doesn't work completely without it.
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« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2016, 10:48:58 am »
Blackbow don't need to watch Porn anymore, He cums everytime he bans a Krems instead.  8-)

At least hes now completed his life long ambition (Well from the last 5 years anyway) Congratulations!
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 11:30:13 am by zottlmarsch »
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« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2016, 11:24:01 am »
On an unrelated note we've just heard BlackBow apologise to Tamra and comment on what a good job Tamra has done as an admins. Now we're juuuuuust waiting for Blackbow to do the same for you, Fin, Uther, Rico, Patoson etc and then you can all work together as a united front. Since you all work together so well and respect the opinions of other admins that have been doing their job for a long time.

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« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2016, 01:16:33 pm »
I didn't see any chat before Cassi was banned last night

 :shock: :shock:  I honestly don't know what is going on I havent played for 4 days or more.

Or are you talking about another day?
But I never got any ban besides from Fin's Fun-Bans (for failing my voice command test) or very short ones (if ever, iirc) long ago.
Maybe if Coronoa virus gets rid of 50 percent or more of the world population we can do without a pope and religion.

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« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2016, 02:13:05 pm »
So lately there are many admins playing, but what was with the last year? With all those useless tries to get eu2 populated, with all those leechers and trollers on eu1? With the delayers in strat battles, with the skyladdering there and overall the bugabuse, who was there when tamra wasnt playing strat? Everyone was doing ban votes on the forums cuz there was noone there.

Who of the admins at all played when fin and tarma werent playing? And fin was playing only eu1 and tarma kinda allways dtv. Patoson and Uther 100% dtv. I once talked to them when they were all playing dtv and asked them why we have 3 admins on dtv and none on eu1, they replied that they fought that the other admins would play eu1.

Id never say speciffic admins did something wrong, the whole team failed, aswell as everything else failed last year.. Bugged strat, unplayable eu2, extreme lags for about 4 months, extremely reducing playerbase, ridiculous nerfs, ridiculous buffs, totally unneeded changes of the game system, broken marketplace, people waiting half a year for tournament prices. And the worst thing: noone knew anything.
I actually played pretty much last year, I doubt anyone (who also played much) can say anything I just wrote is wrong.

I just wish u guys luck that every thing works out now after 1 year of bullshit. Actually chadz takes care of strat now so that should be fine, Im just curious why I or rider got insulted for asking for a strat reset/fix and now they all like it  :|

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« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2016, 02:27:02 pm »
I'm only posting cos I read some stuff on the krems whatsapp about bbow and bans and shit and well, I personally have no idea whats going on in crpg world these days. All I can say is, you wouldn't appoint Hitler to be the Rabbi at your local synagogue, purely based on his past actions/opinions against jews. You won't see Mark Clattenburg refereeing england vs germany in any competitive match e.t.c.

So, knowing that bbow hates krems since like 2013, but probably likes everyone else, it still should put him out of the running to be a game admin. Pretty dumb cunt illogical move by whoever let him in.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 03:17:57 pm by polkafranzi »
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« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2016, 05:37:53 pm »
I was actually supposed to be a EU2 and DTV admin, but I also started playing battle.
Back in the days Gravoth and Saxon got admin, with Gravoth becoming quite inactive after a few weeks and Saxon gave it up completely. Means Patoson, Uther and me for sure thought there would be admins in EU1, but that wasn't the case.

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Definitely not a fucking forum warrior.

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« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2016, 05:58:46 pm »
Now we're juuuuuust waiting for Blackbow to do the same for you, Fin, Uther, Rico, Patoson etc and then you can all work together as a united front.
Don't worry, Blacky loves me
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« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2016, 06:06:04 pm »
I wish you wouldn't refer to my avatar that way in public... In private? Yes
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Offline Blackbow

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« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2016, 06:23:49 pm »
coz french gentleman ladies first
Now since when I am a male..

Else, good post.
New admins usually are staying in the background the few first weeks they became adminship. To actually get a common sense with the others. Before they doing solo-actions other admins wouldn't agree with. Patoson and Uther teached me well. 

I suggest to ask other admins occasionally in-game, what they think about the current situation, instead of pretending the flawless one. Being too harsh and judging too fast is actually the worst thing one could do.
Also, admins (me at least) usually never lie about facts, unless they're abusing, just saying.

sry didnt know you were a girl they are so rare in crpg ...
I'm not saying i know everything or dont want to be pretentious but i have already a bit of experience with administration so no worrie for me. But when i will need help ofc i will see with other admins.
About being too harsh and judging too fast i totaly agree with you that's why i always go for communication before acting.
Never lie and spit truth to people's face is my nindo!

I was on eu1 for few rounds yesterday, and what you did was nothing but personal hate.

Lise respec'ed her build when she died, and spawned naked on next round because GAME DIDN'T SYNC. I told that like 5 times on chat but you just banned her for 1 hour, reason: leeching. Really ?

I didn't witness any other ban, but i'm pretty sure that you were not fair. It's all about your personal war on Krems which you can't win, one way or another.

Also, you need to stop accusing us for leeching. How the fuck i'm supposed to leech with my 3.8k repair cost ? Thanks for re-defining the term of leeching.

That must be the curse of all human beings, when they gain any sort of power, they just end up in a god complex. How long you been an admin ? yet you started to yell "CONSIDER THIS AS WARNING" "IM WARNING YOU" "BAN" "KICK" "BAN"

That's nothing but e-pen.

lol dude, seriously. Calm your tits. This mod is addictive because of us all. Just go and play few hours on native, you'll be bored as fuck. Cuz there are no Krems, nor Mercs. There is no fun on try-harding 24/7. On day 3, you'll beg for Krems. I can guarantee that.

im so much in a personal war lol let's resume what happend this day:

i got few report of people saying lise was leeching naked with no weapons... it was 1 or 2 maps before the ban and i decided to ignore them (because personal war u know lol)
in same time we had other report for an other guy who was a stone thrower and rico dealed with it... then map changed and i got again a report about lise leeching naked ... i went to spec and checked the other team spawn and i saw lise naked with nothing in his hands chilling with some other krems at spawn for few sec, because personal war again i decided to ban him 1hour and not 1 or 2 days like i should have do.
if game didn't sync why he didnt reconnect to get his items at begining of round ? this is what people generaly do they dont start to chill around. and it dont take two maps to refresh !

about leeching i'm sorry but do i will need to screen every time you are not participating to fight and let your team fight in 15 vs 20 because 5 of you are too busy at playing minecraft at spawn or posing like a pornstar front a camera ?
do i need to take a screen each time ppl complain about your attitude ? leeching, delaying, not contributing to the team effort, teamwounding, chat spam, voicechat spam, all that bullshit ? This what you are accused for !
if i was the only one complaining about it ok but i'm not.

ok let's define term of leeching : spawning without wepons, not participating to fight and let your team fight outnumbered!

Be fair, i've only been aware of you for slightly under a year. No but seriously any 'harm' done to you in this thread is through your own words and lack of self control.

Listen to the other admins, they're smart and they've been around for a long time for a reason.

I give the benefit of the doubt that maybe you suddenly turned around and attempted to sound reasonable in your most recent post because you genuinely regret kicking and screaming like a spoilt infant on the last page, and not because some other admin or wise friend instructed you to change tact. Algarn's advice is especially good, about taking feedback. Like Fin said you're on the other side of the fence now, you've been erm... 'critiquing' (that's the nice way of putting it) admins for a long time before becoming one yourself. It comes with the title.

That'll happen when you ban without issuing a verbal warning, kicking first or making any kind of effort to investigate before taking action.

That's why i found it particularly strange when Utrakil said it was nice to have an admin that issues verbal warning before taking action. But maybe you have to be in a special clan to qualify for a verbal warning from BlackBow before he kicks/bans you. Maybe you should ask him what clan Lise needs to be in next time to qualify for a warning or opportunity to explain themself before a ban is immediately applied to their character and remains listed on their record forever to negatively influence any future bans.

about what ultrakill said he's right and omg thx to him for prooving i'm not lying.
but when you are camping spawn and building a bunker then teamhit an admin and kill his horse you realy think u gonna get a warning for that?
dont you have any control on your acts? do you realise than i had all reason to ban you few days and instead i just kicked you ?
it never came to your mind than the kick was a warning ?
dude cmon stop to be so dishonest.

so if i have to ask to other admins about your attitude ? about you teamhiting an admin and killing his horse ?
what gonna be their answer and their reaction ? tell me !

so please stop playing the victim when you are the offender

and in case you missed this comment from a krems (thx to him again for honesty)
I've seen Blackbow on a mute/kick spree but I don't really have a problem with that. I got warned before I got muted so no harm done.


about this
Blackbow don't need to watch Porn anymore, He cums everytime he bans a Krems instead.  8-)

At least hes now completed his life long ambition (Well from the last 5 years anyway) Congratulations!
atm i banned 1 krems for 1 hour (coz personnal war lol)
and an other guy for revenge tk after getting reported once !
but i will be honest with you i dont take pleasure to ban/kick
but i faped each time i muted a krems =)

so let's resume 2 bans in more than 2 weeks... i know you guys are disapointed and would like to see me ban more but no i'm sry.
let's sound pretentious... after one year of administration on the most populated server (rip eu4) i think i know my job but ofc i still have a lot to learn (specialy forum side and administration tools).

so please come back witch constructive critics about my administration ingame when i will do mistake, for the moment i feel like doing good.
to be clear not participating to team effort or spamming voice chat will provide sanction.
Why ?
Because i will listen advice from heskeytime and listen old admins who were taking sanction for this kind of trouble provided by players !

in each community there is the silent majority and the noisie toxic minority !

« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 06:48:40 pm by Blackbow »
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« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2016, 07:56:15 pm »

im so much in a personal war lol let's resume what happend this day:

i got few report of people saying lise was leeching naked with no weapons... it was 1 or 2 maps before the ban and i decided to ignore them (because personal war u know lol)
That's a lie i must say. Report part could be ture, but the other is not. She was naked for less than a minute and just for once, because of respec. She was a dart thrower before.
in same time we had other report for an other guy who was a stone thrower and rico dealed with it...
Yes, i saw that. Ignorant cunts doesn't have enough knowledge about gameplay mechanics. Stone throwers must be naked, or nearly naked because of build. Rico tried to explain that to the fucktards for like 15 minutes. I salute him.
then map changed and i got again a report about lise leeching naked ... i went to spec and checked the other team spawn and i saw lise naked with nothing in his hands chilling with some other krems at spawn for few sec, because personal war again i decided to ban him 1hour and not 1 or 2 days like i should have do.
Same scenario, and she wasn't chilling at spawn. She just ran backwards when she spawn, and got banned on halfway.
if game didn't sync why he didnt reconnect to get his items at begining of round ? this is what people generaly do they dont start to chill around. and it dont take two maps to refresh !
Same again, it wasn't more than a minute, wtf is this two map nonsense. Also, she didn't have to quit or reconnect, there is no such rule. Here is not Auschwitz.
about leeching i'm sorry but do i will need to screen every time you are not participating to fight and let your team fight in 15 vs 20 because 5 of you are too busy at playing minecraft at spawn or posing like a pornstar front a camera ?
I didn't oppose that, which is not leeching.
do i need to take a screen each time ppl complain about your attitude ? leeching, delaying, not contributing to the team effort, teamwounding, chat spam, voicechat spam, all that bullshit ? This what you are accused for !
No leeching, and lol to the attitude. We're the most friendly creatures in-game, even against you. Rest is right which we didn't oppose in any way.
if i was the only one complaining about it ok but i'm not.

ok let's define term of leeching : spawning without wepons, not participating to fight and let your team fight outnumbered!
Spawning without weapons and gear, yes. Rest is not valid for leeching. There is no difference between staying alive or fighting and dying in the first minute. You gonna pay that repair cost anyway. so there is no profit for us to stay alive, that doesn't give us extra gold and we don't gain shit.

I think you should stop trying to justify yourself. You had one minute of opportunity to take an action against a Krems, and you used it. You could just warn her, or kick her if you have to take an action but you just ban, just because she is a Krems. And that was stupid.

Have you ever seen a Krems complaining about his/her ban if he/she is wrong ? I've never seen that kind of thing before. We just accept. I'm here just because you were wrong. And your hate on Krems is real, that is not a secret.
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Krems is love. Krems is life.

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« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2016, 09:29:53 pm »

i just ask you what an other admin would have done if you were teamhiting him ?
dont avoid question.

about communication i tried but krems scream too much so they probably dont hear !

I think you should stop trying to justify yourself. You had one minute of opportunity to take an action against a Krems, and you used it. You could just warn her, or kick her if you have to take an action but you just ban, just because she is a Krems. And that was stupid.

Have you ever seen a Krems complaining about his/her ban if he/she is wrong ? I've never seen that kind of thing before. We just accept. I'm here just because you were wrong. And your hate on Krems is real, that is not a secret.

already got few opportunity to ban krems dude few of krems started to th/tk me, ask fin he was online...
i tried the cool way if u want i go strict mode just tell me...

yeah i saw krems complaining and i saw many ppl complain about them too
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 09:35:59 pm by Blackbow »
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« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2016, 01:57:16 am »
Right, since everyone is voicing their opinion here about Blackbow and his way of admining and treating others, I'll throw in my few grosze as well;

When Tamra was given admin rights and put on trial, I was livid and a bit mad that "some wanker from gay order is gaining admin rights, abuse incoming for 120%", but as it turned out I was not correct and she appears to be a good admin, fair and just. I was a bit worried she would be biased in favour of GO and other their "allies", but as it turned out she was even harsher towards them. So that was one time when I was completely wrong about a person being a bad candidate.

I have no feelings regarding Blackbow, honestly - He's a merc baguette my old friendcher, that's all I know - dislikes krems, has some personal issues with them, that's alright - as long as he can give out judgement WITHOUT BIAS. And from what I saw, it's not exactly the case here, which makes me a little bit dissapointed, but there is always space for improvement. Everyone who knows me can confirm that I really dislike grey order, but I would never think about unfairly banning or kicking someone just because he has GO banner or tag. Not only because that is unethical and has more to do with revenge than with dealing justice, but also since it's an obvious give-away I am immature and not reliable to be an admin.

Communication as an admin is very important - if you punish someone without telling them why, they will never learn or understand what they did wrong. In the same way, communication between admins is important - even when an issue is black on white obvious, it's still a good idea to at least mention it in the green chat, but maybe that's just me.

Let me anwser for Heskey,
what an other admin would have done if you were teamhiting him ?
That depends on an admin - Patoson would probably kick him, Tamra - probably a chat warning, I'd first ctrl+m him and warn him in chat, other admins - honestly no idea. It's important to let people make mistakes, so that they can learn from them. Instant punishment for it won't teach them anything. World is not black and white, assuming that people break rules always on purpouse is a bit naive, just as thinking that they're always accidents, you have to look into the matters deeper and judge them for yourself.

Also, just to solve the leeching problem - If you spawn in an armor worth 4k in repairs, and go AFK/don't fight, that's still leeching. Leeching is having no weapon OR not contributing to the team OR standing around away from keyboard.

Lastly, regarding one thing that could be brought up - admins SHOULD NOT change other admins' decisions. Yes, we can and sometimes should advise them, and we can point out mistakes they make (Gurni once banned some poor guy for 100 years and I noticed that after a while, while he should have been banned for a only a day or something :lol:), but I personally disagree with the idea that someone could unban someone I banned because he felt like he "served his time", or anything similiar. Admins are independent from other admins, like judges, so that our decisions are not driven by any outside factor or pressure.

If I could give Blackbow some advice, it would probably be to work on his attitude, that's really all there is. You'll gain some experience in admining cRPG with time, and we'll see if you are fine or not. Time will tell. Also, to drop the anti-admin talk, or at least take into account forum request management and other servers than EU1 when judging your colleagues. :D

We're not perfect, you should know it by now.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 02:55:18 am by Uther Pendragon »
Nemo prudens punit, quia peccatum est, sed ne peccetur.
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« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2016, 02:26:39 am »
To be quite honest, I think you're all being a little too harsh on BlackBow. I'm a Krems, hell I had a spot on his list of people he hated MOST (or rather, the stupid shit I did), I've talked with Blackbow in game, he doesn't hate US, he hates the fact that we do stupid shit like not engage with the team and fight with them. Literally ever since I started attacking with the team instead of building a base at the back of the map me and him have had absolutely no problems what so ever.

He's fine with everyone, he doesn't hold bias towards Krems, he holds bias against the rule bending we do. And to be honest, we all know it IS rule bending. Sitting at the back of the map and doing fuck all is in no way helping your team at all, and this is coming from a person who used to support it strongly because "MUH FREEDOMS", but I realised that these people just want to play the fucking game without having a team doing nothing to help, they want to fight without having to lose every round because of people mucking about.

I've stuck to emote spamming and messing around, but I always engage with the team and fight with them, and from that point I've not had a single problem. I'm fairly sure if we all follow suit the same thing can be said.

Give Blackbow a chance guys lol, he may have contradicted himself more than a few times but he's new the administrator job, he's not going to be instantly good at it. It takes time to learn the ins and outs of administrating, and as a person who has administrated on a large server dealing with bans/unban appeals and shit all day every day (Persistent Worlds) I really do know what it's like lol.
Give him time to learn his style of adminning and how he should do it, every mistake he makes he can correct, it will just take time, remember: This is a feedback thread, not a thread for people to violently shitpost (Not saying anyone has been, but that's what it's turning INTO)
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,

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« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2016, 02:30:28 am »
Right, since everyone is voicing their opinion here about Blackbow and his way of admining and treating others, I'll throw in my few grosze as well;

When Tamra was given admin rights and put on trial, I was livid and a bit mad that "some wanker from gay order is gaining admin rights, abuse incoming for 120%", but as it turned out I was not correct and she appears to be a good admin, fair and just. I was a bit worried she would be biased in favour of GO and other their "allies", but as it turned out she was even harsher towards them. So that was one time when I was completely wrong about a person being a bad candidate.

I have no feelings regarding Blackbow, honestly - He's a merc baguette my old friendcher, that's all I know - dislikes krems, has some personal issues with them, that's alright - as long as he can give out judgement WITHOUT BIAS. And from what I saw, it's not exactly the case here, which makes me a little bit dissapointed, but there is always space for improvement. Everyone who knows me can confirm that I really dislike grey order, but I would never think about unfairly banning or kicking someone just because he has GO banner or tag. Not only because that is unethical and has more to do with revenge than with dealing justice, but also since it's an obvious give-away I am immature and not reliable to be an admin.

Communication as an admin is very important - if you punish someone without telling them why, they will never learn or understand what they did wrong. In the same way, communication between admins is important - even when an issue is black on white obvious, it's still a good idea to at least mention it in the green chat, but maybe that's just me.

Let me anwser for Heskey,That depends on an admin - Patoson would probably kick him, Tamra - probably a chat warning, I'd first ctrl+m him and warn him in chat, other admins - honestly no idea. It's important to let people make mistakes, so that they can learn from them. Instant punishment for it won't teach them anything. World is not black and white, assuming that people break rules always on purpouse is a bit naive, just as thinking that they're always accidents, you have to look into the matters deeper and judge them for yourself.

Also, just to solve the leeching problem - If you spawn in an armor worth 4k in repairs, and go AFK/don't fight, that's still leeching. Leeching is having no weapon OR not contributing to the team OR standing around away from keyboard.

Lastly, regarding one thing that could be brought up - admins SHOULD NOT change other admins' decisions. Yes, we can and sometimes should advise them, and we can point out mistakes they make (Gurni once banned some poor guy for 100 years and I noticed that after a while, while he should have been banned for a only a day or something :lol:), but I personally disagree with the idea that someone could unban someone I banned because he felt like he "served his time", or anything similiar. Admins are independent from other admins, like judges, so that our decisions are not driven by any outside factor or pressure.

If I could give Blackbow some advice, it would probably be to work on his attitude, that's really all there is. You'll gain some experience in admining cRPG with time, and we'll see if you are fine or not. Time will tell. Also, to drop the anti-admin talk, or at least take into account forum request management and other servers than EU1 when judging his colleagues. :D

We're not perfect, you should know it by now.

Also, Blackbow, if you want anyone to look up to and learn from. This guy. Learn from Uther, he is the epitome of what an administrator should be.
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he,  the god admin.  drink the tea, not ascared to  fight in th  batefield,