Author Topic: So... French cuck leftists?  (Read 5557 times)

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2015, 05:23:50 pm »

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2015, 06:25:12 pm »
Isn't it a known fact by now that labeling your stupidity as bait/trolling just makes you look even dummer sillier?

Edit: thanks for the hint Antiblitz
It's a known fact that only someone with 60 IQ wouldn't recognize that as an obvious bait. I knew Heskey wouldn't fall for it, but I'm glad to see I caught one of the retards here. Do you suffer from FAS, Utrakil?
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2015, 06:45:41 pm »
Sorry I don't pay as much attention to you as heskey does. this unfortunately doesn't give me enough understanding of you to see all the different nuances of nonsense you post. Maybe one day I will be able to tell apart what bullshit you really believe and what other bullshit you just fart out as bait.
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2015, 06:48:29 pm »
Genuine answer? If you havent guessed already I dont need to 'defend' Islam in my country. I didnt need to 'defend' any Irish people in the 90s or early 2000s either. We didnt bomb Cork in retaliation and we didnt talk about deporting all the Irish and we sure as hell didnt try and turn this into 'us' and 'them'.

Terrorism is scary cos you dont know exactly who is going to be a terrorist. But, guess what, we never started assuming all Irish people were terrorists. And, guess what, both the IRA and the PIRA declared ceasefires and ended their struggles over time. How do you win an ideological war? By standing your ground and being immovable.

Maybe a country that hasnt experienced much terrorism finds ISIS scary, maybe a country that hasnt witnessed exactly how much they can endure without suddenly being 'destroyed' by terrorism thinks that Islam poses a genuine physical threat to their country.

So far i rank the frequency and organisational skills of Islamist attacks and I am not impressed. No western country is about to die from it lol (no-matter how much you may want to believe that this is the ultimate ideological struggle of your age), what do you think a country is?

The only way terrorism will have any meaningful impact on any western nation, is if we allow them to dictate the terms and infect us with... Terror. Change the way your country behaves, change your border policy, change your attitude towards foreigners, limit individual freedoms. Those are meaningful and lasting changes, but those are changes made from within a country by it's people and it's leaders, never by the terrorists themselves (but it sure is what a terrorist wants, cos it's the only the only way they can make an impact on the world and they know it).

Self-hating leftist cucks no-doubt.

Why aren't you always based like this Heskey?

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2015, 07:16:05 pm »
For your 2016 forum persona, could you also start using an Irish written accent? Would be pretty great.

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2015, 07:35:48 pm »
Sorry I don't pay as much attention to you as heskey does. this unfortunately doesn't give me enough understanding of you to see all the different nuances of nonsense you post. Maybe one day I will be able to tell apart what bullshit you really believe and what other bullshit you just fart out as bait.
Because it's an obvious joke, it's like saying Muslims don't like Arabs. Muslim isn't a race. Just so you know.
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2015, 08:28:40 pm »
Because it's an obvious joke, it's like saying Muslims don't like Arabs. Muslim isn't a race. Just so you know.

Nice comeback, but all cRPG forum dwellers know you simply tried to pursue Oberyn attempt at determining what is Heskey skin color, because we all know that since Heskey doesnt seem to hate muslims, he must be black, thus the irony of your post. Try to make it less obvious next time though, and man up a bit. Retard.

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2015, 08:35:51 pm »
Nice comeback, but all cRPG forum dwellers know you simply tried to pursue Oberyn attempt at determining what is Heskey skin color, because we all know that since Heskey doesnt seem to hate muslims, he must be black, thus the irony of your post. Try to make it less obvious next time though, and man up a bit. Retard.
Yawn, so obvious. You're really bad at trying to provoke me, Butan. Next time try subtler personality changes, only Leshman can get away with full schizophrenia.
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2015, 01:30:51 am »
For your 2016 forum persona, could you also start using an Irish written accent? Would be pretty great.

Gaeilge, le do thoil.

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2015, 11:56:37 am »
The only way terrorism will have any meaningful impact on any western nation, is if we allow them to dictate the terms and infect us with... Terror. Change the way your country behaves, change your border policy, change your attitude towards foreigners, limit individual freedoms. Those are meaningful and lasting changes, but those are changes made from within a country by it's people and it's leaders, never by the terrorists themselves (but it sure is what a terrorist wants, cos it's the only the only way they can make an impact on the world and they know it)

First of all, let me just say I thought the mute towards you was completely unfair. I insulted merily and with zero fucks given on many, many posts, but the first time you do it in response we both get muted? cRPG admins obviously racists.

Now, you're just demonstrating the usual, occidentals being proud of the only thing they are still allowed to be proud of, "attitude" to foreigners and border policy. As if these things were defining characteristics of our civilization and not brand new concepts introduced during the 60's/70's. Here is Charles de Gaule in 1959 talking about France, and keep in mind these concepts were universally accepted as true at the time, this was the "attitude" to foreigners and border policy that had existed for decades. And let's not even talk about what the norm was for hundreds of years before that, and still is and every single country that isn't western. Strangely enough western civilizations persisted for hundreds of years without "tolerance" of foreigners and open borders, in fact the case could be made that was the only reason they did, as, again, literally any civilization that isn't in the grip of these modern delusions of moral superiority.

C’est très bien qu’il y ait des Français jaunes, des Français noirs, des Français bruns. Ils montrent que la France est ouverte à toutes les races et qu’elle a une vocation universelle. Mais à condition qu’ils restent une petite minorité. Sinon, la France ne serait plus la France. Nous sommes quand même avant tout un peuple européen de race blanche, de culture grecque et latine et de religion chrétienne. Qu'on ne se raconte pas d'histoires ! Les musulmans, vous êtes allés les voir ? Vous les avez regardés avec leurs turbans et leur djellabas ? Vous voyez bien que ce ne sont pas des Français ! Ceux qui prônent l'intégration ont une cervelle de colibri, même s'ils sont très savants. Essayez d'intégrer de l'huile et du vinaigre. Agitez la bouteille. Au bout d'un moment, ils se sépareront de nouveau. Les Arabes sont des Arabes, les Français sont des Français. Vous croyez que le corps français peut absorber dix millions de musulmans, qui demain seront vingt millions et après-demain quarante ? Si nous faisions l'intégration, si tous les Arabes et Berbères d'Algérie étaient considérés comme Français, comment les empêcherait-on de venir s'installer en métropole, alors que le niveau de vie y est tellement plus élevé ? Mon village ne s'appellerait plus Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, mais Colombey-les-Deux-Mosquées !

Today he would be lambasted as a fascist racist, betraying all the supposed values of our beautiful tolerant western civilizations, when 50 years ago this was a completely normal and expected attitude.
Contrast that to today. There's a rap song by an algerian muslim ("french", since he was born and lived his entire life here, 3rd generation or so) calling for violence against ethnic french, shitting on the country and the people and everything they are and represent, and it was taken to court as incitement to hatred, as would be any song that would do the same to arabs, or blacks, or asians, or any "recognized" ethnicity.  It was thrown out as the very justice system has ruled that ethnic french people literally do not exist before the law.

Terrorism from muslim fanatics (and more importantly our response to it) is merely a symptom of the decaying of western civilization. The idea that the terrorists ultimately want us to become less tolerant and accepting of foreigners, as if this was somehow a deadly attack against the very existence of western civilization, as if this would benefit them somehow, as if their primary motivation wasn't just to kill as many kuffar as possible in revenge for the "crusades" we've supposedly undertaken against glorious islam, is a retarded red herrings thrown about by, yes, useless self-loathing cucks such as yourself. You really think muslims in general, even the most extreme, anti-western daesh supporters, aren't completely enchanted with the way western nations are so tolerant of their demographic invasion? You think they're somehow angry at this, and wish it to dissapear? They see it as pure weakness, and take advantage of it time and time again.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, demographics is reality, everything else, all the superficial, idealogical claptrap about these values that supposedly define our civilizations despited being around for no more than a few decades, is just a fart in the wind. Anyone who is a native of Britain, a native of France, a native of any of the nations that are undergoing ideological attacks to the point that even the idea of them being a "nation" in the first place is being ridiculed, the very conceptof them being a "people" is being destroyed and retroactively erased from history, SHOULD be worried and angry and afraid. Anyone who looks at the statistics, the changing demographics of these "nations" in name only, the attitude of the foreigners (particularly muslims) who feel completely entitled to pour in by the hundreds of thousands, by the millions, as if the land was theirs by birthright, in supposed payment for colonialism or imperialism or because of the universalist claims of islam or because the self-loathing cucks orgasm at the thought of their own people finally being outnumbered in their own lands and encourage this attitude among their own and among the foreigners at every chance they get, anyone who has any sense of history and can look at the big picture and the obvious progression of where this is leading, SHOULD be worried and angry and afraid. Having people like you tell me with a straight face that nothing should be changed, that's exactly what the terrorists want, frankly makes me laugh uproariously. Then again, you aren't native, are you? So what the fuck would you know about it. Of course this new, crypto-marxist, identity politics conception of the true "values" of western civilizations (the ones deliberately designed to destroy it, ironically enough) is the one you addopt, anything else would just be fascist neo-YMCA.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 11:59:39 am by Oberyn »
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2015, 05:05:45 pm »
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2015, 05:39:38 pm »
Though it did make me wonder what the threshold is.

You know those times when you're having oral exam at university. Sometimes you're lucky and despite not having a clue about subject you catch professor in a good mood and he let you pass. But there are times when you work your ass off and perform perfectly at oral exam but teach comes grumpy at work, and you fail. There's no threshold, it's all about people's emotional states (tm by xant).

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2015, 07:00:23 pm »
I've said this before and I'll say it again, demographics is reality, everything else, all the superficial, idealogical claptrap about these values that supposedly define our civilizations despited being around for no more than a few decades, is just a fart in the wind. Anyone who is a native of Britain, a native of France, a native of any of the nations that are undergoing ideological attacks to the point that even the idea of them being a "nation" in the first place is being ridiculed, the very conceptof them being a "people" is being destroyed and retroactively erased from history, SHOULD be worried and angry and afraid. Anyone who looks at the statistics, the changing demographics of these "nations" in name only, the attitude of the foreigners (particularly muslims) who feel completely entitled to pour in by the hundreds of thousands, by the millions, as if the land was theirs by birthright, in supposed payment for colonialism or imperialism or because of the universalist claims of islam or because the self-loathing cucks orgasm at the thought of their own people finally being outnumbered in their own lands and encourage this attitude among their own and among the foreigners at every chance they get, anyone who has any sense of history and can look at the big picture and the obvious progression of where this is leading, SHOULD be worried and angry and afraid. Having people like you tell me with a straight face that nothing should be changed, that's exactly what the terrorists want, frankly makes me laugh uproariously. Then again, you aren't native, are you? So what the fuck would you know about it. Of course this new, crypto-marxist, identity politics conception of the true "values" of western civilizations (the ones deliberately designed to destroy it, ironically enough) is the one you addopt, anything else would just be fascist neo-YMCA.

Oberyn, at the turn of the Renaissance couldn't the exact same argument be used to defend feodalism from the attacks of the new nationalist ideology? Nations are also merely a recent construction, simply on a larger timeframe. What you seem to be angry about is the selective (and indeed discriminatory) application of an ideology, not the ideology itself. You are criticizing a pants-on-head retarded interpretation of western values as if it was the real thing that more than three people believe in. Tumblr isn't the entire world.

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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2015, 08:08:11 pm »
Oberyn, at the turn of the Renaissance couldn't the exact same argument be used to defend feodalism from the attacks of the new nationalist ideology? Nations are also merely a recent construction, simply on a larger timeframe. What you seem to be angry about is the selective (and indeed discriminatory) application of an ideology, not the ideology itself. You are criticizing a pants-on-head retarded interpretation of western values as if it was the real thing that more than three people believe in. Tumblr isn't the entire world.

Showed you an article laying out how sociologists (Tumblr ground zero, I've said this to you over and over and over, and it seems to fly over your head everytime, Tumblr is merely a symptom of a much more entrenched and powerful sector of academia) influenced actual law with their retarded interpretations, literally erasing the existence of ethnic french people, and you still ignore it and pretend it has no influence on policy, on law, on media, on government, on the general zeitgeist of this generation, when it defines and determines it again and again and again. Is it wilfull ignorance? Arrogant complacency, completely incapable of recognizing the effects this retarded interpretation (I'd say it has supplanted the "old" interpretation a while ago, and is the new norm) of this ideology has on reality? I don't know. Keep pretending it's just a couple of Tumblr morons with no power whatsoever and not elites placed at the highest levels of influence if it makes you feel better.
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Re: So... French cuck leftists?
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2015, 08:23:55 pm »