There was nothing even indicating that the aircraft they downed was Russian. They probably thought it was a Syrian aircraft, and killed the pilot. His transponder was turned off, and Syrian aircraft have been shot down doing the same thing before, flying the same aircraft. Most countries don't let an unidentified aircraft fly into their territory so it can crash into a commercial airline or drop a bomb on their homeland by accident. 7 seconds is a long time when they are traveling 2000 mph.
If that was true then how did they warn the pilot a bunch of times that he was entering airpsace?
They warned him in Arabic because they thought it was a syrian aircraft?
Pretty sure they knew it was a russian aircraft, they probably track all aircraft in syria near their borders and could tell it was russian simply by its point of origin being a russian airbase within Syria.
And as has already been stated on this thread, Turkish aircraft have violated its neighbors airspace many of times and never got shot down...
What most countries do is they scramble fighter jets, the fighter jets attempt to hail the aircraft multiple times, if this does not work the scrambled jets fly on both sides of the intruding aircraft and either fire their machine guns off into the air or roll their aircraft back and fourth which is a universal signal that you are being intercepted and the intruding aircraft should then roll back and fourth to acknowledge this and usually signify that they are going to follow the intercept aircraft back to an aircraft landing... If after all this the intercepted aircraft does not respond and continues to fly deeper into a countries airspace then it is shot down.
When two countries aren't at war, they don't sit there with their fingers on the trigger ready to blow any plane out of the sky the moment they cross into their airspace. Of course Turkey is mad because Russia is bombing the FSA rebel scum they have been arming while also bombing ISIS.
Even during the cold war between the U.S. and Soviet Union when the Korean Airlines flight 007 came into Russian Airspace, twice... Intercept jets were scrambled they made visual contact with the aircraft and they fired warning shots multiple times to warn the aircraft... Unfortunately one of the pilots admitted his aircraft was armed with armor piercing bullets which were most likely not seen by anyone on the passenger airliner. After this a commanding officer of the soviet union gave the order to shoot down the aircraft and it was destroyed... Even during the peak of the cold war the soviet union, on edge, did not destroy the aircraft seconds into it flying into soviet union airspace.