I grew up with consoles as well, definitely got a soft spot for them. Been seriously considering breaking down and buying a ps4 sometime soon... really just waiting to see if there'll be any good deals around the holidays and if/when last of us 2 gets a release date. That said, if all the games I'd buy as soon as I got a ps4 (last of us, uncharted, crash bandicoot, other exclusives I'm forgetting atm) were released on PC, I wouldn't bother with the ps4. Only gonna get it for the singleplayer experience cuz fuck paying for online gaming. Also no one has ever won because they have an uber pc. If your pc can't run a game well enough that's on you... either turn down the settings or just don't buy games you can't run. If I am able to game at 60 fps full resolution, someone with an uber pc gaming rig with 3 4k monitors running at 120 fps is not playing with much, if any, advantage. If I could barely run the game with a shaky 30 fps that lags whenever there is an explosion on screen, sure, I'm playing with a disadvantage and sucks to be me. The only real downside to gaming online with a pc is hacks are typically more abundant, however modern games are pretty good about policing that.