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Offline Bryggan

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A declaration of war
« on: November 09, 2015, 12:53:52 pm »
not sure who against.  But I (er ,we) will attack somebody sometime.  I had just returned from Europe with a small group of mighty fighters when Black Bird decided to skedaddle.  I weep when I think of his cowardice.  We, who remained of the the HCE (pretty much all Acre), were quite convinced we were fucked. But we did not puss out.  We actually thought the rosters would be 50:25 against us, yet we all agreed to hold our ground.  And we held it, much to James' delight and my disapproval.  James had a lovely 'plan B', where we all met up in Eu and struck in force.  I happily embraced that plan, and planned toward it.  It never happened:(  Black Bird Pussed out, revealing he was not the awesome commander he told everyone he was.  I remember asking his mercs what he did that was so good- they told me he just focused on siege gear (something us dark age NAers never bothered with), and offended his mercs.

We have all learned that screaming orders at guys who obviously known what they are doing is bad tactics.  When one guy flanks and kills 5 warriors and 8 archers before dying, we don't yell at them.  We yell at the wannabees, the guys who venture out and tw five guys before dying.  Yet, from what I heard, BB wanted everyone to act like they were subpar retarded (like my fighting skills).  Hold stil, get shot to shit by ranged, then attack.  Attack in a close group where skill doesn't matter, and just overhead.  Whichever side TWs the least wins!

But Black Bird ran , rather than face defeat.  He had a great reason though, it being, 'there was a chance I'd lose'.  PHUCK THAT!  I have always attacked no matter what I thought the odds were.  And, despite my stupidity, I seemed to advance.  Too many cautious players in this game, methinks.

So, in the spirit of 'Who Gives a Fuck', I will risk attacking fiefs with tiny armies.  Perhaps the battle times will work, perhaps they won't!  Who cares?  So this is more roulette than strategy; the point is I will not have huge shiny armies sitting about doing nothing.  Since Black Bird ran, I have over 3,000 men, and after making them shiny, still got 6 mill.  Last time I fought I had 700 heavily armed men.  Last time I attacked I had 500 men.  I don't piss about.

My hands are getting shaky... I need to cure my ill... MUST ATTACK SUMFIN!!!!

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 02:14:12 pm »

Well u are totally right. I ran away. Atleast I tried. Sitting in prague at 5 AM after 7 hours of bingedrinking in the biggest disco in EU I read that NA turns against eques. So I prepared a bit for those fights. The first one was Sharwa castle. We had gear and troops for about 4K inside as I guess. soo, I was not able to be there cuz I was 500 km away from home on my graduation trip. So.. I was like yolo, let's just accept whoever applies. And well, a full roster against the 3 applicants on our side was a bit though I thought. So after I was bingedrinking 8 hours in the second oldest bar in EU I was like, okay let's try to gtfo and come back when I'm at home. We got attacked again, this time 4 applicants. WOW, the average skill of our roster was most of the time better than the Acre roster, but hell, 4 vs. a full roster would be still though. That was the moment when I decided to tell Esca to sell the EQ and destroy the troops.

60 mio silver eq. 12K troops. Sold for about 12 mio. That was about the amount we destroyed against Acre in the Durquba fights, but we did not get any gear from the attacks, we fucking got it on our own. Was actually not that much, Ahmerrad gave 10 mio silver a week, so we actually got some money back. At all I destroied more than 140 mio silver for eq and about 25K troops. Simply because there was noone applying for us. The 5th-10th battle were about 8-10 mercs, but still against full rosters.

I'm doing this schoolyear now the second time cuz I did not give any fucks last year. Soo.... I fucking tried my best to start good this year, didn't really have time to do strat diplomacy n'shit. Then the trip came and I 100%ly knew that LL will attack me. So I fucking begged Jimmy and Dutchy to not attack until Im back from my trip. But no, those scumbags did not want to have battles. They wanted my fiefs, my money and my troops.

I fucking asked a HCE guy to not attack me, because Im not here. That honourfull guy was IK bauer. He actually told me he is not going to attack. He said it would be totally unfair.
A person, that has every reason to fucking hate me accepted it. But a person that called me 3 weeks before a god was like yolo go fuck urself we gonna rekt ya ass.

And well, after people noticed that I cant fight back, they all came. Fucking check out the dessert now... With fair rosters we could have bet all of them. The turks were in the EU dessert waiting for my order. 25K troops splitted on 10 people who were all awaiting my order. Well, cuz there was nothing to fight for anymore I told them to go back.

still I achived something, even though that kinda 90% of NA players hate me now. I fucking gave u guys battles. Together with kalmar we had more than 100. Strat was going good before it bugged in NA. We lost the whole dessert in like one week... Even in EU we weren't able to get the 50 vs 50 battles in the end. But damn, I gave u those battles. Me and all of my niggaz working like lil bitches for this bullshit, still we finally get nothing but hate and disrespect.

Burn in hell. All of you.

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2015, 02:24:11 pm »
Well you sound... Angry

Offline BlackxBird

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2015, 02:28:11 pm »
strat is dead. would have been just nice that it bugged 2 weeks earlier, so we would still own the dessert.

Offline Bryggan

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2015, 02:59:17 pm »
wow....   Blah blah blah.  Well u are totally right. but hate and disrespect.

Burn in hell. All of you.

Didn't read most of this- but when I saw 'binge drinking', I raised my beer in salute, and realized I met a worthy adversary... well, almost met.  Stay up until  4 am someday, and meet my righteous fury!  I'll be all drunken angry, and will be whipping forth my troops.  Odd how screaming "NO PRISONERS" inspires your gents so much.

Edit:  You bitched about how you were not there for you battles.  I never could make it for my battles.  On a good day, I could spectate the last 15 minutes.  And this was not because I was partying in foreign lands, it was because I was working.  But you also bitch about rosters.  I know I told you, as did Acre, that we would support you on the rosters against HoC etc.  Just to give them a taste of what its like when 30K shiny troops come out of nowhere to attack you.  Back when we had maybe 3000 shiny troops that were not involved in trade.  But obviously you chose to decline this offer (probably based on threats of HoC of betraying you on the rosters... oh c'mon, they came to us, offering 'psuedonym support' to weaken you.  We refused, of course.  And we told them we would support you when you attacked the Wardens of Chullain.

But, you, when Dutchy, the True powerhouse of Strat, said he no longer supported you, you turned tail and ran.  You did not even try talk to me.  You claimed to have 50K troops at the time.  How awesome that would have been to exact revenge.  Yet you ran.  And I weep for that.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 03:12:35 pm by Bryggan »

Offline BlackxBird

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2015, 03:30:38 pm »
Didn't read most of this- but when I saw 'binge drinking', I raised my beer in salute, and realized I met a worthy adversary... well, almost met.  Stay up until  4 am someday, and meet my righteous fury!  I'll be all drunken angry, and will be whipping forth my troops.  Odd how screaming "NO PRISONERS" inspires your gents so much.

Edit:  You bitched about how you were not there for you battles.  I never could make it for my battles.  On a good day, I could spectate the last 15 minutes.  And this was not because I was partying in foreign lands, it was because I was working.  But you also bitch about rosters.  I know I told you, as did Acre, that we would support you on the rosters against HoC etc.  Just to give them a taste of what its like when 30K shiny troops come out of nowhere to attack you.  Back when we had maybe 3000 shiny troops that were not involved in trade.  But obviously you chose to decline this offer (probably based on threats of HoC of betraying you on the rosters... oh c'mon, they came to us, offering 'psuedonym support' to weaken you.  We refused, of course.  And we told them we would support you when you attacked the Wardens of Chullain.

But, you, when Dutchy, the True powerhouse of Strat, said he no longer supported you, you turned tail and ran.  You did not even try talk to me.  You claimed to have 50K troops at the time.  How awesome that would have been to exact revenge.  Yet you ran.  And I weep for that.

Do u have merc support? I had one thing to do. Asking james. I asked some of his friends to talk with him about it. well, they told me I can go fuck myself.

This gay does not want any battles too. Acre and LL both simply wanted to have more fiefs. Well, I hope they are happy now.

Offline Bryggan

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2015, 03:36:34 pm »

Of Bryggan's heirs the murderer shall be.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here
Bronto comes.

Bryggan's heirs have been numbered.  Bryggan himself is wandering in the desert, desperately seeking vengeance on an Eques who has long scarpered.  While we have all admired his journey from vassal to Lord to Mercenary to High King to Emperor, we have also known he was a little unbalanced.  So, the last we will see of this opportunist brigand is him trudging through the desert, cursing his four sons under his breath, while holding the hand of his young daughter through the southern wastes.

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2015, 03:58:44 pm »
Do u have merc support? I had one thing to do. Asking james. I asked some of his friends to talk with him about it. well, they told me I can go fuck myself.

This gay does not want any battles too. Acre and LL both simply wanted to have more fiefs. Well, I hope they are happy now.

THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD GET A LITTLE INTELLIGENCE BEFORE ATTACKING.  FUCKING SUN TZU 101.  Your handlers handled you well.  They told you James was the enemy.  You believed them.  James was their enemy.  When I forced the Kingdom of the North together, all I heard was whine whine from Dutchy.  He liked me, but he hated James.  When he rebelled, I quit in disgust.  Fucking adults can't work together?!?  Fuck this game.  So, due to the bitchiness of the leaders, I folded.  I mean, WTF?  People in school and work have to deal with assholes, but even when I separated the south (Acre) from the North (13K and GDTD), they still attacked.  I got report from the southern kingdoms of northern armies travelling by, and I said 'no worries- we are all getting along now because of the strenuous efforts I put in, plus people are not that dick headishness."

Obviously I was wrong.  People are like that, and everytime I am in Dutchy's TS I give him shit for being a pustulant little whiner.  Seriously.  Everytime.  It surprises me I'm still allowed in there.

But my good friend Black Bird.  Nobody hates you.  You were just a pawn in Dutchy's fight.  He hated James, so he was mad at our shared success.  And, as NA was split between those who loved me and those who hated James, he just told you about James.  I believe you had no idea who I was when I contacted you.  Which was all a part of Dutchy's plan.  So, obviously, I have no idea what he told you.  But, we did say HCE would support attacks against our enemies.  Quid Pro Quo, as the kids say nowadays.

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2015, 06:38:17 pm »
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Unless you going EU, then gl mang.

Am I not enough for your armies? For your glory?

Crash against my walls and see how your armies are nothing but placeholders for my arrows and swords.

Bring forth the might of the SQPR and we'll see just how strong they are.

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2015, 07:03:40 pm »

Quote from: Bryggan on October 26, 2015, 01:59:08 pm

    Not sure on whom yet.  But we are sitting here scratching our arses with shitloads of troops and shiny gear.  As Legatus, I leave it to the consuls to choose who we fight;

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2015, 07:44:08 pm »
I'd get McDonalds AND pizza

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2015, 09:18:11 pm »

Well u are totally right. I ran away. Atleast I tried. Sitting in prague at 5 AM after 7 hours of bingedrinking in the biggest disco in EU I read that NA turns against eques. So I prepared a bit for those fights. The first one was Sharwa castle. We had gear and troops for about 4K inside as I guess. soo, I was not able to be there cuz I was 500 km away from home on my graduation trip. So.. I was like yolo, let's just accept whoever applies. And well, a full roster against the 3 applicants on our side was a bit though I thought. So after I was bingedrinking 8 hours in the second oldest bar in EU I was like, okay let's try to gtfo and come back when I'm at home. We got attacked again, this time 4 applicants. WOW, the average skill of our roster was most of the time better than the Acre roster, but hell, 4 vs. a full roster would be still though. That was the moment when I decided to tell Esca to sell the EQ and destroy the troops.

60 mio silver eq. 12K troops. Sold for about 12 mio. That was about the amount we destroyed against Acre in the Durquba fights, but we did not get any gear from the attacks, we fucking got it on our own. Was actually not that much, Ahmerrad gave 10 mio silver a week, so we actually got some money back. At all I destroied more than 140 mio silver for eq and about 25K troops. Simply because there was noone applying for us. The 5th-10th battle were about 8-10 mercs, but still against full rosters.

I'm doing this schoolyear now the second time cuz I did not give any fucks last year. Soo.... I fucking tried my best to start good this year, didn't really have time to do strat diplomacy n'shit. Then the trip came and I 100%ly knew that LL will attack me. So I fucking begged Jimmy and Dutchy to not attack until Im back from my trip. But no, those scumbags did not want to have battles. They wanted my fiefs, my money and my troops.

I fucking asked a HCE guy to not attack me, because Im not here. That honourfull guy was IK bauer. He actually told me he is not going to attack. He said it would be totally unfair.
A person, that has every reason to fucking hate me accepted it. But a person that called me 3 weeks before a god was like yolo go fuck urself we gonna rekt ya ass.

And well, after people noticed that I cant fight back, they all came. Fucking check out the dessert now... With fair rosters we could have bet all of them. The turks were in the EU dessert waiting for my order. 25K troops splitted on 10 people who were all awaiting my order. Well, cuz there was nothing to fight for anymore I told them to go back.

still I achived something, even though that kinda 90% of NA players hate me now. I fucking gave u guys battles. Together with kalmar we had more than 100. Strat was going good before it bugged in NA. We lost the whole dessert in like one week... Even in EU we weren't able to get the 50 vs 50 battles in the end. But damn, I gave u those battles. Me and all of my niggaz working like lil bitches for this bullshit, still we finally get nothing but hate and disrespect.

Burn in hell. All of you.

To be fair, it wasn't Dutchy or Jimmy who attacked you it was me and my #squad and I didn't know about the vacation shit at all until afterwards. If you had messaged me I probs would've waited but the reason we attacked en masse was because we saw you pulling everything out and wanted real battles.
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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2015, 12:03:41 pm »
To be fair, it wasn't Dutchy or Jimmy who attacked you it was me and my #squad and I didn't know about the vacation shit at all until afterwards. If you had messaged me I probs would've waited but the reason we attacked en masse was because we saw you pulling everything out and wanted real battles.

I have an incredibly hard time believing I was on the only forum troll that read that Blackbird would be out on vacation dancing his ass off in some sweaty European club banging chicks (or dudes not sure which way he swings) in bathroom stalls. You admitted to getting notifications about posting in threads but somehow, EVERYONE, except for me for whatever reason, magically didn't know he was going to be of this post is unrelated.....

HESKEYTIME Your poem was beautiful and you're right. My 600 heavily armed troops and I are getting really mad!!!! Like crazy fucking pissed!!!!!!

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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2015, 12:07:39 pm »
I have an incredibly hard time believing I was on the only forum troll that read that Blackbird would be out on vacation dancing his ass off in some sweaty European club banging chicks (or dudes not sure which way he swings) in bathroom stalls. You admitted to getting notifications about posting in threads but somehow, EVERYONE, except for me for whatever reason, magically didn't know he was going to be of this post is unrelated.....

HESKEYTIME Your poem was beautiful and you're right. My 600 heavily armed troops and I are getting really mad!!!! Like crazy fucking pissed!!!!!!

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Where did he post that? And I was getting notifications from that one thread, that I didn't want to get them from anymore. I dont like get texted everytime someone posts anywhere on the forum.
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Re: A declaration of war
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2015, 12:26:34 pm »
He posted it on the forums....Probably that big ass thread and I'm not reading back through that shit just to find it. Maybe Black bird will see this post and let us know himself. I thought it was a separate thread, but after clicking my mouse a few times I gave up because I just don't fucking care.

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