I agree that the current system is great as is with just a few minor tweeks, none of this big overhaul bs people are asking for. I definately love that people aren't afraid to utilize the entire map now; how was it beneficial that the entire battle was in a small radius before? That encouraged so much camping and yes had a few pro's but was mainly a giant con for anyone without a shield or peasants getting horse trampled.
The people who 'suggest' the most are generally the ones who have the hardest time adapting to new things quickly and thus feel like a 'noob' and then flood the forums with a 'suggestion' on how to better their situation instead of just exploiting/adapting the current system.
I can find an answer for every complaint, and it doesn't mean you'll like every answer but that's because I'm a firm believer that hard work pays off and bitching leads to laziness.
I agree that a system message for kills and assists would be friggen awesome but, it shouldn't be anything more then that because you don't want to fatten up the already well fed people... generally the ones getting lots of kills tend to be the ones who DON'T need extra xp/gold