Yes, it does, you are an atheist. If you do not care about football, you are a non-football fan, not something in-between a non-football fan and a football fan. It doesn't matter on what basis, you lack the belief in a god, thus you are an atheist. I don't see how people can put something in-between being something, and being not something. Everyone is a carpenter or not a carpenter.
I'm not on board with that, but I think it's a totally reasonable argument.
If you do believe in god, you cannot also lack a belief in god.
Similarly, if you do not believe in god, you cannot also believe in god.
If I told you I didn't care, logically, I'd be forced to default to either belief or disbelief.
It wouldn't inherently imply disbelief.
In this case, they're agnostic at best; they claim neither to believe in god nor not believe in god.
even if there is [a creator] it doesn't matter since this does not in and of itself necessitate acts of worship or acknowledgment of a higher power.
You're absolutely right, but that's beside the overall topic of theism.
Theism at its simplest means only that there is some sort of god out there.
It doesn't demand praise or acknowledgement unless a religion is formed
to demand it.
If I totally missed your point, let me know. Few beers in right now.