When so many of my countrymen and fellow europeans turned into nutless, self-loathing, blind, idealistic bundle of stickss who can't see the insanity of where we're headed. Keep sprinkling that fairy dust in front of your eyes, I'm sure it will eventually change reality if you believe really really hard, like fucking Tinkerbell is trying to make you fly.
You kinda start to sound like I imagine some hate-preaching Imam sounds... just on the contrary side of the spectrum. Probably as repetitive too.
I don't like religion. I believe them to be stupid and silly - believing in them is stupid and silly. And yes, Islam is obviously the worst for a while now.
Dooming every single one of the believers tho? Nope, that's stupid and silly too.
If we're ignoring all the hate and despise dripping from your posts and go for those tiny bits of actual statements underneath the hate-blanket, you actually have points I can even agree with. Right now tho, it's pain in the arse to actually find them. So, why bother.
You seem to be afraid that all those refugees and immigrants change your beloved France. All while you're already working yourself on changing one of the core fundamentals of Europe: the freedom to think (believe) whatever the fuck you want. In a certain frame work ofc. "Freedom of one ends, where the Freedom of another begins."
Every Muslim who sticks to the rules is fine by me. Everyone else gets prosecuted. That is European Tradition.
I downvoted somewhere in this cesspit of a forum, which we all enjoy dwelling in, someone for repeating already disproven 'facts' thrown around by populists. Shit like "but our homeless people", "they take our jobs", "they rape our women"... (Talking specific about Germany where statistics in no way support such claims... like... at all... simply NOT true... in Germany!). No surprise that he got upvoted by you and Warlord.
Someone wrote that ISIS is trying to paint the narrative black and white. You're actually helping them in this goal, by simplifying non-simple matters. It ain't black and white. And it sure isn't simple.