Every time i have gone onto native, either battle or duel it has been really quite easy. Maybe just lucky not running into the pro's.
If anyone is forming a team i will join.
cRPG skills do not carry over at all to Native. Being good at feinting or blocking two opponents are completely useless skills. Competitive Native is all about map control and ranged angles, infantry is just fodder that pushes positions and provides opportunities for kills for the frag classes, cav and ranged. Being the best player at cRPG makes you a below average Native competitive player, because the meta is highly specific, way more specific than cRPG. A cRPG team would absolutely suck unless they get trained by someone who is very experienced at Native and puts them through some extensive training on all the maps, flag positions, buying orders, drops, bump and stun coördination, and native 1h shield fighting. So, better get started quick.
I'm proud to announce the beginning of a grand international tournament based in North America
EU fights EU in EU, but if there is an NA vs EU final it will apparently be on a server in New York. I guess this will be off-putting for EU teams.