Author Topic: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)  (Read 8512 times)

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2015, 09:33:59 pm »
Please upvote or downvote the addition of this map:

Burning Witch
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Pretty crap for EU 1 if you ask me, anything above 15 players is a spawnkilling mess. In any case the map won't last much longer than 3 minutes so whatever.

I'm glad to see upvotes for this one, it's a fun change of pace after playing several "normal" maps in a row. Some dude is rearing his horse on top of a table, people are leaping off the upper floor to fight people below, and there's always a fistfight going on somewhere.
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2015, 10:56:31 pm »
I'd like to see some of the more open old DTV maps back in rotation, people will always find ways to abuse a map to make it easier to win anyway and some variety could not hurt. Instead of the same old 8 or 9 maps? Where everyone skips to a specific 3 maps. Some diversity could go a long way in restoring population.

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2015, 11:01:20 pm »
The blue ice map that was similar to the one with the sunken houses but instead it had that tower in the middle. Would love to see that back.
I am also a fan of any ATS maps
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2015, 11:24:51 pm »
This is the attitude that makes you the perfect person to be selecting what maps should added, guaranteed to be fair and balanced, if you only play infantry.

Nah but srsly i appreciate that you've come out of retirement to put some hours in and actually trudge through all the shit to add maps. I just wish the person doing it didnt disregard any maps that you as an extremely melee-centric player consider to be a 'ranged-fest'. But by all means, counter it with an extreme example of putting 2 teams across an uncrossable abyss so that only ranged can get kills for the duration of that map, that's totally the same thing as having a bridge in a map where ranged get a few extra angles, utterly UNPLAYABLE for infantry amirite?
I was referring to extremely enclosed maps which make cav, utterly unplayable, which is often considered acceptable by most. I jokingly suggested a map that would force everyone to play as cav to illustrate that being forced to play on foot often is pretty shitty. I don't consider infantry unplayable on any map, and it is not my hatred of getting shot that guides my decisions on maps, it is my hatred for people leaving the server and people hating on the map rotation. As you said most of the players are infantry, and if most of the players don't want to play a map, I will remove the map. Besides, I am still waiting on the practical application of your previous edgy point, which maps exactly should I remove because they make infantry OP?

The blue ice map that was similar to the one with the sunken houses but instead it had that tower in the middle. Would love to see that back.
I am also a fan of any ATS maps
Find it. As for ATS maps, I went through them twice, Jacko when through them twice. I have zero inclination to do it again as they are all shit, save the 3-4 that are in the rotation. Of course, feel free to do so yourself and let the upvotes speak.

I'd like to see some of the more open old DTV maps back in rotation, people will always find ways to abuse a map to make it easier to win anyway and some variety could not hurt. Instead of the same old 8 or 9 maps? Where everyone skips to a specific 3 maps. Some diversity could go a long way in restoring population.
As mentioned in the OP, DTV input is greatly appreciated. I can't play that snoringly boring mode for more than 3 minutes at a time, so don't look at me.

Bring back some of the old Native village maps.
Bring back some useful feedback.

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2015, 11:54:32 pm »
Please upvote or downvote the addition of this map:

"Crop Rotation"

Oh man, I loved this map...
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #50 on: June 19, 2015, 12:14:34 am »
Ok here is what I suggest: to refresh the map rotation a bit I'd say remove these maps:

Village 29 Buillin
(click to show/hide)
Boring, overplayed, has steep hills in the sides where rangers often camp and runners often run away from their inevitable fate.

Village 13 Nemeja
(click to show/hide)
Boring, overplayed, has steep hills around, you know all the problems.

Village 80 Vayejeg
(click to show/hide)
Shitty terrain, overplayed to hell and back.

Village 99 Fishara
(click to show/hide)
It would be good if not for the dune hills surrounding the village where all the fighting is usually done, as rangers stack up there and totally ruin the "battle" part.

Village 09 Buvran
(click to show/hide)
Boring as hell, too much flat space in the sides and infantry is always forced to run around the long useless palisade which ends in a quality clusterfuck but rangers always stack on the central roof there. Useless and pointless map.

The ones I would propose to be added in the rotation but only if these conditions are met:
1) fix the spawn points (as in - make them outside of village but not too far in the open so cav cannot rape laterspawners as much and so each team can run into 3 similar directions: central through the "passage" directly into the village, left side or right side which would be somewhat symmetrical no matter which side you spawn at, you don't put spawn points in a way that one team has all the cover and other is in the open, you know what i mean)
2) flags should be in the middle of village always, for balance reasons
3) remove ladders and possibilities for rangers to stack on roofs

Village 52 Amashke
(click to show/hide)

Village 41 Dugan
(click to show/hide)

Village 96 Habba
(click to show/hide)

Village 94 Mazigh
(click to show/hide)

Village 103 Mijayet
(click to show/hide)

Village 108 Mit Nun
(click to show/hide)

Village 104 Tazjunat
(click to show/hide)

Yes - most of 'em are desert maps but only because the terrain and the amount of objects is normal on them, if you fix them in the right way they are the most balanced maps you've got. Don't need them all but at least a few. The sad fact is that all the grass-terrain maps are horrible for battle and without heavy terrain corrections they are unusable. I would add a few snowy ones as well if you could make all the roofs unreachable, especially those wide flat snowy roofs that you can jump on from the ground (snow). That is plain dumb for a battle but otherwise some of those snow maps are quite good.

One more suggestion but for siege (which I don't play but this is something I'd gladly try out):

Village 101 Uzgha
(click to show/hide)

With a few corrections this should be a siege map, I'll just say one word here:
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Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2015, 12:18:59 am »
^ I'd like to see more open village maps like those since they seem to offer the most balanced gameplay for cav, melee and ranged. Don't think all those you posted should be removed though, unless its something that can be done temporarily, like shuffle the map list every couple weeks
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2015, 12:40:16 am »
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I do appreciate the effort but I can't meet those conditions. Got a busy day tomorrow and all I have time for is having a look at what NA primetime did to the votes on certain suggestions, and to check any new suggestions. Then I'll get the rotations ready as patch day should be tomorrow. Luckily Jacko, an unappreciated hero, has edited nearly all village maps to make them more suitable for cRPG multiplayer, so I bet I can implement many of them as they are now.

These are very snap decisions before I go to bed, but I might remove Buillin, Nemeja, Buvran, Fishara and list them as playable village maps for future reference, and add Amashke, Habba, Mijayet, and Tazjunat.

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2015, 12:48:15 am »
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I like a lot of these maps, but some the first three villages you want to add are a tad bit small, although that shouldn't be a problem with low population I guess.
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2015, 05:17:26 am »
Okay, how about, eat a dick and bring back some of the old Native village maps.

I ain't gonna write a fucking thesis.

Still useless feedback. There are 157 battle maps... you'll have to be a little more specific.

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #55 on: June 19, 2015, 06:26:08 am »
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These are a some that I would like to see back.
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #56 on: June 19, 2015, 09:19:53 am »
Psych, this was all just a ploy to gain upvotes, later.

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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #57 on: June 19, 2015, 09:23:43 am »
Can we remove the large cathedral map (templar_church, maybe)? It always devolves into an endless ring around the rosy.

Please upvote or downvote this map (it is currently in, upvote means you want to play it, downvote means you don't)

Templar Church
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For an indoor map it is very playable and looks pretty awesome, too bad it has the classically flawed two corridor design.
Map names you get anywhere on the server are wrong and unfortunately I have absolutely no idea what map you are talking about.

How do the votes for these two posts even make sense? Maybe some misread Teeth's post?
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #58 on: June 19, 2015, 10:24:47 am »
Village 41 Dugan
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aahrg add pleeease!!
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Re: Quick Pre-Patch Map Rotation Adjustment (Community Feedback Required)
« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2015, 10:51:14 am »
Really, it is nearly the same as the other one. If you really care you could PM Nashringa and ask him to replace the line add_village_52 with the line add_village_41c for both EU1 and NA1, but the man is busy.

How do the votes for these two posts even make sense? Maybe some misread Teeth's post?
What makes no sense about the votes?