Well I personally never experienced anything bad with G2play either, it's just that I always hear bad things about them.
Tbh... it might have been that way. Maybe their sources are more reliable by now.
I dunno. Since I personally have never experienced anything bad with them, I'll keep naming them.
And iirc GMG had huge issues with some release... was it Fallout 4 or something before that?
Oh, I believe it was the last Batman game where they had keys rejected by Steam in the hundreds. Bad source or Warner fucking up, dunno.
Either way, buying keys is not the intended way of buying games anyway. If people wanna save a few bucks, they better know about the risks involved.
Hyped for friday
Yea, my go-to magazine site collects international opinions for big releases and XCOM 2 gets great ratings all over the place.
Seems to be a really good one.
inb4 Leesin says it's shit