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loginThis steel beam business is just plain stupid.
Ordinary Jet fuel can't melt an
ordinary steel beam in
normal conditions.
Last I looked the conditions, where this question applies, only happened once, so maybe it was just a strange coincidence.
So my own conspiracy theory has a lot more merit. They blew them up to minimize civilian casualties because they thought steel beams could melt by being exposed to burning jet fuel. Thus their perfectly reasonable decision to perform a controlled detonation was based on bad intelligence(aka. they thought jet fuel could melt steel beams therefore controlled demolition=less civilian casualties than if they let them topple sideways)
This sounds more reasonable considering the quality of intelligence they had available, WMD over here, or over there, it's everywhere except where we look or invade!
So much of today's "evil" is just false assumption and perfectly reasonable logical thinking compounding that error to lead to bizarre results.
With that said I believe "they" is a woman, You may ask why...
And here's my reasoning:
What speaks against her being a woman:
-Judging by my Crpg experience most crpg players are male, therefore it is more probable that she is not a woman.
-Avoiding to buy a microphone to pretend to be a woman..
-Mangina real life roleplay fetish is quite common for male attention whores
-Average trolling=pretend to be woman.
What speaks for:
-Not affording a microphone=lower slary as women usually have
-Being afraid of being verbally... "courted with the average level of finesse of a crpg player"
-Persisting in claiming to be a woman beyond what average trolls can handle.
Therefore: Logic dictates it is a man, but...
in general, if you choose the average, not the mean of the population of humans on planet earth that are defined as male or female according to genetics. Please note: I said genetics, not gender identity, mental geneder adherence, reincarnation into the wrong gender etc. etc. etc. So with that said... according to the most recent empirical studies based on Patriarchal Systematically capitalist and racist western democratic criteria of logically sound science with the epistemological foundation of the "New atheists" and discarding personal anecdotes as having any value...
the average woman is less logical.
With this reasoning: She woman, logic doesn't apply, deal with it!