It does a lot of good. A lot of us have been playing crpg for years. How can you expect to test the gameplay if nobody can test? I supported the kickstarter, which failed. We need to test shit, melee mechanics and all. Closing testing to a few people will not help, we need to be able help the dev team in ironing out bugs and exploits before release. Maybe make it so we can fight each other in a small map like arena just to figure out the pros and cons of what you guys are trying ti accomplish. The only way to test this shit out is to have a good population testing it all out ourselves. It will give valuable feedback on what the game is becoming.
While shit may seem buggy, and wonky, it is up to the people to help us iron out the bugs/exploits. We do not need to test the base building and all that shit, we need to ultimate;y test the melee battle, because that is what makes a game like this. 1 server even if it is duels, can provide more than vauable insight on what game-play mechanics, they could be good they could be bad, but closed alpha can make incredible strides on making the game what it needs to be. SOmething like the every random tests just can not do justice because an occasional test eveery god knows whem, isnt helping at all. We need more testing phases, we need to see what wr are getting into. Stop trying to make the tests a random privilege, make it something where we can give amazing feedback. Lets be real, we will never know what we are getting into unless we try. Not to mention people having a blast on it can spread very good word and encourage people that want to try it but never will until release because we do not know what exactly we are into.
Early access is a great too im ironing out bad elements of the game before it comes to release.
Help us, help you, into making the best game ever.