Since the one-dimensional infantry AI is probably hard-coded, I don't assume it would be possible to change something about the mindless charge and group hug behavior, which only works because bots don't teamhit. That's why DTV will always be about exploiting weaknesses to survive the zerg rush. If bots acted more natural/cautiously and kept a reasonable distance from one another, being outnumbered by them wouldn't be so bad. The only thing that might help despite the AI, imo, would be to decrease their numbers and increase their stats by a lot.
I don't know what kind of server settings there are, but I think AI difficulty (if available) should be set to max and game speed to second highest. Since HRE DTV still has bots that spam like hell but only block one direction (at least harder than now), I'm guessing there are some AI settings. What would also be good is bots that spam AND block right, if possible. If you ask me, do everything to make individual bots stronger and then decrease their number. Then, maybe, you can fight them with skill instead of exploits and it won't be such a (meat-)grindfest anymore.
... and yes to super-nudge!! No to invisible walls!
edit: nice side-effect of fewer bots would be the option to increase player limit significantly.