2:35 onwards was the cancelled BF3, before that seems to be Dice's stuff.
It even shows it in the video, but that is footage from "first assault," another canceled star wars game. The only thing from dice is the snowy hoth scene that is the trailer they showed at e3... doesn't even show a second of gameplay.

Space combat and certain maps were cooler tho. And Assault in Mos Eisley
Yeah, space was definitely cool, and a great addition, but it left something to be desired with horrible AI and simply being far too limiting (each mothership only had 4 rooms, small maps, only 16 bots on a team, etc). Same can be said for hero assault on mos eisley. Luckily, with new consoles/better PCs both of those problems are easily fixed. It did well for its time, but space battles/hero assault don't really hold up all that well nowadays. At least the bad AI is easily excused in the standard conquest mode since looking at the source material, stormtroopers can't hit shit anyways.