I dont usually call out macros etc, but when theres one 2h making insanely fast feints that no one else ive seen through my entire career has done, its kind of suspicious. Especially when pulled off with 100% success, and never making a slower feint like us mortals.
Its not unbeatable by any means, but its kind of cheesy if a macro actually is used and grants the user an advantage.
braindead GTX like beings who "preserve" their kd by leaving while ganked (even though they get 1 death everytime they leave mid game)
Dont you speak ill of GTX! Im sure he doesnt leave to preserve K/D's, atleast not on the website. My theory is that he doesnt let lowbie gankers get the kill, i mean he still gets a death but they wont get a kill (god its genius). Also he probably rejoins to have a high k/d on the scoreboard, i can see why because i play better when im actually trying to play well, and when im at a 5+ kills and 0 deaths i really get into it.