Author Topic: Question re autoblock  (Read 8512 times)

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2015, 06:12:14 pm »
From what I remember, Qoray is either using macros or over-committing big time. He's like the only player I had the habit of deliberately spamming against when I really wanted to win. It really worked well, pretty much to the point he would stop trying to over-feint against me after a while, so I usually switched back to never attempting spam.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2015, 11:08:52 pm »
I'm still using 2H, but I was never a hero. 2H heroes are tryhards like GTX who depend on other people's opinion so much they have to GTX duels.

Would never do what Qoray did, recording myself playing so I can prove I'm using macro's or not. If game admins think I'm doing something wrong, it is their right to think so and act accordingly. There is no need to apologize to people on internet or prove something to them.

You used to have one of the most 2h hero playstyles i know, very solo always at the outskirts picking off people.
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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2015, 11:40:32 pm »
... either using macros or over-committing big time...

And I don't see any practical difference between these two probabilities. Both indicate gross levels of fuckedupness.

Offline Leshma

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2015, 12:10:45 am »
You used to have one of the most 2h hero playstyles i know, very solo always at the outskirts picking off people.

That's because I like killing archers and other ranged players. Playing solo because I'm not playing this game with friends (clan etc.). 2H hero prior to agility buff was typically full STR build in plate, right now is bee on meth in light-medium armor.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2015, 08:06:12 am »
From what I remember, Qoray is either using macros or over-committing big time. He's like the only player I had the habit of deliberately spamming against when I really wanted to win. It really worked well, pretty much to the point he would stop trying to over-feint against me after a while, so I usually switched back to never attempting spam.

It's an enjoyable revival from the grave but you genuinely need to spend less than five minutes alone with a 2h and you'll be able to replicate basic patterns of what you think is a macro. It speaks tremendous amounts of how inexperienced you are at the game if you haven't figured it out after five years since release.
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2015, 12:03:50 pm »
I don't think there are many people using macros, most feints are just way to easy to block for what I imagine what a macro is. Also, I agree with Shema that you just have to try it out yourself and you can get some decent faints, maybe not the best, but they can work out.

Back again to the cheater topic: I have met a player once I suspect of cheating (won't tell his name). He was first of all blocking everything which isn't suspicious at all, considering how many good gamers
play Mount and Blade in general. What made me suspicious is that he chambered every hit and every faint, it did not matter how long I was holding my attack. One might say he is just pretty good, but tbh I have never seen such a skill like that and I played with many of the warband ludus duel pros (not saying it is impossible). Furthermore, I saw him some weeks before and after this duel and he was not able to block at all, neither he could chamber, feint or whatever. He was actually worse than the average player. Maybe he is just one of the most talented players in Mount and Blade who likes to hide his skill, but from what I ve seen I am convinced that he just tried out some cheat on eu3 and then uninstalled them again. That is why I think it could be possible that there are some cheaters. Nevertheless, it seems to be very unlikely to me that many actually do so.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 12:06:51 pm by Akronus97 »
"There are no spams, just missed blocks" - Makelele 2014

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2015, 01:21:31 pm »
I don't think there are many people using macros, most feints are just way to easy to block for what I imagine what a macro is. Also, I agree with Shema that you just have to try it out yourself and you can get some decent faints, maybe not the best, but they can work out.

Back again to the cheater topic: I have met a player once I suspect of cheating (won't tell his name). He was first of all blocking everything which isn't suspicious at all, considering how many good gamers
play Mount and Blade in general. What made me suspicious is that he chambered every hit and every faint, it did not matter how long I was holding my attack. One might say he is just pretty good, but tbh I have never seen such a skill like that and I played with many of the warband ludus duel pros (not saying it is impossible). Furthermore, I saw him some weeks before and after this duel and he was not able to block at all, neither he could chamber, feint or whatever. He was actually worse than the average player. Maybe he is just one of the most talented players in Mount and Blade who likes to hide his skill, but from what I ve seen I am convinced that he just tried out some cheat on eu3 and then uninstalled them again. That is why I think it could be possible that there are some cheaters. Nevertheless, it seems to be very unlikely to me that many actually do so.

There arent many players left so probably there arent many cheaters either :)
When i learned something in the last 10 years of online-gaming.
If there are ways to cheat/macro a part of community will cheat/macro.

So yes: there are cheaters, there are macro-users.
And just cause it can be done without cheating doesnt mean that those macros arent used.
People won´t tell you if they do, cause the whole point of it is to buff their ego.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2015, 01:47:59 pm »
It's an enjoyable revival from the grave but you genuinely need to spend less than five minutes alone with a 2h and you'll be able to replicate basic patterns of what you think is a macro. It speaks tremendous amounts of how inexperienced you are at the game if you haven't figured it out after five years since release.

Some of those feints can be very effective given current, overly laggy state of the mod. My question is, why there isn't more players doing those feints pretty much constantly? I simply don't believe that someone is willing to repeat the same pattern over and over again for even half an hour, less likely for longer periods. It is tiresome.

People who do that all the time, every time and pretty much aren't good at anything else are using macro feints.

I'm a bit slow so it takes time to react when I spot super fast feinting like Hulk/Spamwhore does all the time but I can tell you, if I spot it on time and react fast by spamming him while he is doing his feint, he always takes the hit. Because you can't block while macro feinting. Native is full of such losers but there is much easier to spam them because game feels ten times more responsive.

I find it insulting that such player has any sort of influence on development of this mod.

Also, friends tend to cheat together. Spamwhore's buddy is Athelar (Brutti I think) and he is equally awful player aside those macro feints.

Offline Akronus97

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2015, 02:00:21 pm »
Some of those feints can be very effective given current, overly laggy state of the mod. My question is, why there isn't more players doing those feints pretty much constantly? I simply don't believe that someone is willing to repeat the same pattern over and over again for even half an hour, less likely for longer periods. It is tiresome.

People who do that all the time, every time and pretty much aren't good at anything else are using macro feints.

I'm a bit slow so it takes time to react when I spot super fast feinting like Hulk/Spamwhore does all the time but I can tell you, if I spot it on time and react fast by spamming him while he is doing his feint, he always takes the hit. Because you can't block while macro feinting. Native is full of such losers but there is much easier to spam them because game feels ten times more responsive.

I find it insulting that such player has any sort of influence on development of this mod.

Also, friends tend to cheat together. Spamwhore's buddy is Athelar (Brutti I think) and he is equally awful player aside those macro feints.

You find it boring? Maybe it is.... Still, I refer to to Shema's statement again, seems to be an appropiate answer:

It's an enjoyable revival from the grave but you genuinely need to spend less than five minutes alone with a 2h and you'll be able to replicate basic patterns of what you think is a macro. It speaks tremendous amounts of how inexperienced you are at the game if you haven't figured it out after five years since release.
"There are no spams, just missed blocks" - Makelele 2014

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2015, 02:06:42 pm »
The weak makes excuses. Even if there are people who use macro feints, which I kind of doubt, beating them with a disadvantage is just that much better, no?
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2015, 02:56:55 pm »
Similar argument would be: playing on Battlefield server with bunch of Russian aimboters makes it much better because when you kill them you feel good cause you are at disadvantage, no?

Only ones who are weak are those who feel the need to use cheats in online video game.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2015, 03:09:02 pm »
Aimbot in an fps =/= macro feints

Would not be even close to being similarly unfair. Let's say they indeed are macro feints, how long till you spot a pattern and can either take him out by double attacks or just block it reliably?
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2015, 03:13:18 pm »
Some of those feints can be very effective given current, overly laggy state of the mod. My question is, why there isn't more players doing those feints pretty much constantly? I simply don't believe that someone is willing to repeat the same pattern over and over again for even half an hour, less likely for longer periods. It is tiresome.

People who do that all the time, every time and pretty much aren't good at anything else are using macro feints.

I'm a bit slow so it takes time to react when I spot super fast feinting like Hulk/Spamwhore does all the time but I can tell you, if I spot it on time and react fast by spamming him while he is doing his feint, he always takes the hit. Because you can't block while macro feinting. Native is full of such losers but there is much easier to spam them because game feels ten times more responsive.

I find it insulting that such player has any sort of influence on development of this mod.

Also, friends tend to cheat together. Spamwhore's buddy is Athelar (Brutti I think) and he is equally awful player aside those macro feints.

Mate Athelar is not Brutii, don't make that mistake, Brutii is one of the best guys in this community!
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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #58 on: April 18, 2015, 04:58:20 pm »
Leshma you are simply inexperienced in warband. Just because you think spending 10 minutes improving your feints is "stupid" doesn't mean others do. You're very narrowminded and decide that your opinion and perspective is law. Open your eyes and understand that there's plenty of players that are more competitive than you. The perspective of someone who is arguably one of the most successful players in warband, who has tried macro. I'll tell you that macroing is a huge liability, produces stale and easy to counter feints and has no natural flow. Anyone who uses macro decrease their potential severely to become a good players because it's limited entirely. Nobody worth discussing uses a macro, Spamwhore especially doesn't.
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Question re autoblock
« Reply #59 on: April 18, 2015, 05:10:15 pm »
The perspective of someone who is arguably one of the most successful players in warband, who has tried macro. I'll tell you that macroing is a huge liability, produces stale and easy to counter feints and has no natural flow.

If you say so, Mr Humble.