No clue how to edit dtv stuff. You sure you want to risk me screwing something up?
At first I had heavy armor as +7 armor and +10% weight, but I lowered it to 7% weight since the efficiency didn't increase that much. The lighter heavy armor ~19 weight will have around the same armor value as current plate, so not much is missed in terms of stats for them. Strength will just look super elite in plate, especially with all of the new armor coming out. I think it's okay for agi builds to be fast, but they shouldn't last long without the appropriate skill to avoid danger.
Sorry to disappoint, but I switched arrows, barbed, and bolts to 0 slot instead of messing with bow/xbow slots. It was awkward that Long Bow was the same amount of slots as a short bow. I think it makes it more fun for bows and crossbows to represent your choice of power, rate of fire, and accuracy while ammo affects hybridization.