Author Topic: What happened where is everyone..?  (Read 4868 times)

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2015, 12:10:05 am »
"In the next war, we will wrap the dead in cellophane.

Repeat after me sixty seven times: I do, I do, I do.

There is no ceremony any more, everyone is gone; and you say this to yourself."

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2015, 12:55:13 am »
Other games happened.

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2015, 12:58:29 am »
Nerfed nerf bad strats repeat
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2015, 01:55:52 am »
Native is as strong as ever in NA. I can't speak for EU, but Native might even be stronger this year than it was last year. Throughout the years, Native has had a relatively high turnover of players when compared to cRPG. There's only a few names that are repeated more than months at a time, and the same goes for clans (with the exception  of BkS, maybe) in Native.

I assume after playing Native with greater frequency in the last month that the vast majority of players are extremely new- even in duel and battle, game modes where the more experienced players used to congregate. cRPG is different. Yes, there are only a minority of oldshits left, but they communicate more amongst themselves than the Native players do, having fewer servers to choose from.

This is a legacy culture. The average cRPG player has no trouble consistently topping Native scoreboards, even when clans are involved. This is because knowledge of the game and how best to use it's mechanics were passed down with greater frequency. In addition, cRPG players have always dealt with a larger variety of builds- constantly changing over the years, which means their skills are more developed. It is easier to deal with a single set of variables than an ever changing array.

The learning curve for Warband is hard (when compared to, say, Counter-Strike or Chivalry) but the learning curve for cRPG is flat out ridiculous.

Clans (with one or two exceptions) have pretty much degenerated into loose groups of buddies. This was the vehicle that was once relied upon to induct new players into the cRPG killing fields. It is gone. Instead, we have a couple dozen individuals who make inside jokes and are full of caustic criticism. And yes, I remember the Alt-X days of old- recall that the behavior of that sort was the exception rather than the rule.

These are not rose tinted glasses. The game itself has improved by leaps and bounds, and the super serious community of old had its fair share of dysfunction. Just a different brand of dysfunction.

So what does Native have on cRPG, beyond marketing and a significantly larger community? It has populated deathmatch, duel, and siege servers. It's not that there aren't players out there who would find the mod fun and be willing to bear the learning curve, even revel in it.

It's that there's simply no real opportunity to learn.

Learning a new skill requires constant feedback, and Battle does not provide that. What we need is thriving duel, deathmatch, and siege community. Duel for the player to learn the basics. Deathmatch to have fun while dealing with multiple opponents, and siege to bring it all together. With these game modes combined, you have a perfect newbie boot camp that can still be fun, for anyone willing to run through it.

Find a way to promote these game modes and raise them to prominence in this community and you will reinvigorate the mod.

Helping new players out, even when they appear rude or idiotic doesn't hurt, either.

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2015, 08:19:43 am »
Native is as strong as ever in NA. I can't speak for EU, but Native might even be stronger this year than it was last year. Throughout the years, Native has had a relatively high turnover of players when compared to cRPG. There's only a few names that are repeated more than months at a time, and the same goes for clans (with the exception  of BkS, maybe) in Native.

I assume after playing Native with greater frequency in the last month that the vast majority of players are extremely new- even in duel and battle, game modes where the more experienced players used to congregate. cRPG is different. Yes, there are only a minority of oldshits left, but they communicate more amongst themselves than the Native players do, having fewer servers to choose from.

This is a legacy culture. The average cRPG player has no trouble consistently topping Native scoreboards, even when clans are involved. This is because knowledge of the game and how best to use it's mechanics were passed down with greater frequency. In addition, cRPG players have always dealt with a larger variety of builds- constantly changing over the years, which means their skills are more developed. It is easier to deal with a single set of variables than an ever changing array.

The learning curve for Warband is hard (when compared to, say, Counter-Strike or Chivalry) but the learning curve for cRPG is flat out ridiculous.

Clans (with one or two exceptions) have pretty much degenerated into loose groups of buddies. This was the vehicle that was once relied upon to induct new players into the cRPG killing fields. It is gone. Instead, we have a couple dozen individuals who make inside jokes and are full of caustic criticism. And yes, I remember the Alt-X days of old- recall that the behavior of that sort was the exception rather than the rule.

These are not rose tinted glasses. The game itself has improved by leaps and bounds, and the super serious community of old had its fair share of dysfunction. Just a different brand of dysfunction.

So what does Native have on cRPG, beyond marketing and a significantly larger community? It has populated deathmatch, duel, and siege servers. It's not that there aren't players out there who would find the mod fun and be willing to bear the learning curve, even revel in it.

It's that there's simply no real opportunity to learn.

Learning a new skill requires constant feedback, and Battle does not provide that. What we need is thriving duel, deathmatch, and siege community. Duel for the player to learn the basics. Deathmatch to have fun while dealing with multiple opponents, and siege to bring it all together. With these game modes combined, you have a perfect newbie boot camp that can still be fun, for anyone willing to run through it.

Find a way to promote these game modes and raise them to prominence in this community and you will reinvigorate the mod.

Helping new players out, even when they appear rude or idiotic doesn't hurt, either.

I totally agree with you but, don't forget DTV!

We are getting a good amount of new players but obviously the learning curve is too much for most of them and the rest probably read the boards and see a bunch of negative posts, plus the donkey team and c-rpg team is being unresponsive. I'm sure that demotivates them in putting anymore time into c-rpg..

Anyways, I just thought of something that could possibly help, but the c-rpg community is going to have to work together to make it happen. We should set up a community event on the duel server twice a week to help all the newbies out. Answer questions, suggest clans to join or recruit, teach mechanics etc. One weekday and one weekend, both for EU and NA, try to make it at prime time or maybe even make it twice a day. market the shit out of it on the forums, in game, on steam, etc put it on the front page of all of them if that's possible and keep refreshing it. Make this a recurring weekly or bi weekly event. I'm down to help out with setting these up....

« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 08:51:45 am by Nashringa »
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2015, 10:00:11 am »
Of course Native has new players, on every sale what does a average new player do when he decides to play multiplayer? He clicks on the multiplayer and plays.

90% of the new people dont even know about crpg. 50% of the people who know dont care about it and play native anyway
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2015, 10:35:13 am »
mod is dying of age... let it rest in peace, enjoy it while it lasts...
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2015, 10:56:49 am »
mod is dying of age... let it rest in peace, enjoy it while it lasts...

Current c-rpg team and donkey crew are letting the mod die, not age. People are still playing doom 2(final doom) multiplayer, same with old mmorpgs like everquest and ultima online etc etc. Games only die when the developers stop supporting the game/mod.

It's obvious the current c-rpg team is not motivated to work on this mod anymore. Should just give it up and recruit a new team.
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2015, 11:19:08 am »
Current c-rpg team and donkey crew are letting the mod die, not age.

you mean "because" of age, but that´s okay, as long as they focus more on M:BG

I´ll just wait for MaB2 and meanwhile, hunt some sharks in Depth  :oops:

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2015, 11:36:30 am »
[...] Should just give it up and recruit a new team.
That's a not very smart thing to say.
It's their mod, their baby. Whatever happens to it is for them to decide. There is no "new team".
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2015, 01:15:47 pm »
Current c-rpg team and donkey crew are letting the mod die, not age. People are still playing doom 2(final doom) multiplayer, same with old mmorpgs like everquest and ultima online etc etc. Games only die when the developers stop supporting the game/mod.

It's obvious the current c-rpg team is not motivated to work on this mod anymore. Should just give it up and recruit a new team.
i still play Median XL , a Diablo 2 mod and i'm not done yet with it , sure thing the dev is constantly updating his mod he loves create new dungeons , new skills he loves diablo 2.
Donkey team loved warband but as they said the engine is too limited for something different.
I consider us lucky  to still have our server to play on.
There are games like Bad Company 2 that are desolate and it's the best BF game after bf2 for me.
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2015, 01:26:20 pm »
you mean "because" of age, but that´s okay, as long as they focus more on M:BG

I´ll just wait for MaB2 and meanwhile, hunt some sharks in Depth  :oops:

That could take awhile by the looks of things. Before any of the desired games get into playable beta, this community could completely disassemble.

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2015, 01:28:59 pm »
same people on the forums too haha wow the community is dwindling atm
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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2015, 01:28:59 pm »
naw nigga this community beyond crpg

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Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2015, 02:02:20 pm »


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