Cuz lets face it, being great at crpg is not about being skilled at warband...its about picking a great build with gear to match. which is patch dependent, some of the builds i used to rape with, simply dont work now thats its a AGI ONLY mod.
Gear and builds only do so much. In this patch ive went with lower agi and to greater success, all builds work you just have to change up playstyles.
So if its not about being skilled would you say that a new player would have the same chances as an old player with the same gear? Obviously no, right? Because skill. Would an average player with looms and an agibuild top the scoreboards over a skilled player with no looms and str build? Doubt it, agi just makes them die quicker, they would probably benefit more from the survivability str could give them, as long as they stick with their team.
Nothing is op IMO, its all about preferences and playstyles. The reason agi can be strong is because you rely less on your team and can go solo duel while having the ability to run away if more enemies arrive.
Ping is barely an issue, ive seen people with 100 ping play extremely well, and top scoreboards. Ofcourse its an advantage but its also not very big, and as long as you are below 40 it probably doesnt matter whether you are at 10 ping or 40.
OP gear, only thing i can think of here is saracen guard armor being slightly more minmax with like 2 more BA than the rest for that weight. Other than that its all preferences and playstyles, peasant gear and plate can both be used well but in completely different ways, plate being the easier choice.