Didn't know animals aren't supposed to kill you anymore, just KO :O this is nice.
I'm not certain thats the case, I check the thread. and I think it might be fixed a bug where if 2 players fight 1 animal, the animal didn't see player as knocked out. so I think animals queing extra attacks and killing you in groups is probably still a thing.
so keep your HHP up if you want to live, which is alot easier now healing is getting improved last 2 patch. I died on like 40 hhp to a single boar before.
guessing the perma injuries will effect the player in some way as to lower their abilities or skills or something? else i feel theyve left the kinda hardcore perma death stuff, which is sad to me, i always enjoyed being mauled by boars and bears lol.
the opposite it true because this is the first time haven has been 100% permadeath as there is no inheritance now which i actually think is bad because of