Author Topic: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one  (Read 2345 times)

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Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« on: December 01, 2014, 09:55:44 am »
I my opinion and many other Strat players im sure: Strat5 was a major backward step from number 4.

The biggest complaints about Strat4 was in regards to large factions having too much power and many asked for a change to balance this problem. Instead the higher prices clearly did the complete opposite and crime also helped the larger factions. At least in 4 everyone could afford plate armys without grinding for 6months.

To cut it short, here is a couple of easy tweaks I believe would help make Strat6 a lot better considering the dwindling players(that's if there is a Strat6):

- Go back to Strat4 prices on gear or cheaper.

- Completely get rid of crime or decrease its affects by 99%.

- Hire the guy who made this and make it a permanent tool to c-rpg website.

Thanks for reading.



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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 05:17:28 pm »
Crime is pretty awesome actually.  It allows smaller factions to take fiefs from poorly managed larger factions.  I understand that it annoys you, but it's not a bad mechanic.  Honestly, the best change we can make is to lower roster sizes to better accommodate the shrinking mercenary pools, this will give smaller clans a chance.


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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 05:50:36 pm »
Split the shit into 2 factions; Alliance and Horde style.

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 09:25:33 pm »
Crime is pretty awesome actually.  It allows smaller factions to take fiefs from poorly managed larger factions.  I understand that it annoys you, but it's not a bad mechanic.

LOL that's a stupid theory, as the larger faction will just take it back when ever they feel like it and helps the larger factions a lot more. Good chance what you call "poorly managed" is deliberate tactic from the larger faction anyway as even if you take the fief you cant build an army in there. in the end you just take a fief that cant be manned. Crime is a lame mechanic at the rate it affects.

Your entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion your theories are flawed, baseless and pathetic.

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 02:22:33 am »
The only crappy part about crime is that it ties you to your fief.  Most of the active players are stuck baby sitting their fiefs instead of fielding armies.  I think you should be able to manage your fief from anywhere on the map; just you won't be take goods, money or gear out.  But you should be able to transfer stuff to people in the fief.


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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2014, 03:41:08 am »
The only crappy part about crime is that it ties you to your fief.  Most of the active players are stuck baby sitting their fiefs instead of fielding armies.  I think you should be able to manage your fief from anywhere on the map; just you won't be take goods, money or gear out.  But you should be able to transfer stuff to people in the fief.

Being tied to your fief prevents over-extension, which was a pretty big theme in Warband.  If you had too many fiefs and not enough lords, or your lords were all captured, you had less standing armies to defend castles.

I think that factions should be limited to something like 15 players.  The mercenary pool should then become a true mercenary pool, meaning mercenaries sign up for battles, not sides.  Mercenaries are then distributed evenly, but given actual good rewards to encourage not griefing their team.  This is really the only way to prevent super blocks.

LOL that's a stupid theory, as the larger faction will just take it back when ever they feel like it and helps the larger factions a lot more. Good chance what you call "poorly managed" is deliberate tactic from the larger faction anyway as even if you take the fief you cant build an army in there. in the end you just take a fief that cant be manned. Crime is a lame mechanic at the rate it affects.

Your entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion your theories are flawed, baseless and pathetic.

I mean, I've used crime to take multiple fiefs, and I've never had a city or castle taken from me, except the ones I sold for loom points.  I don't overextend my faction, and I put people in charge who are competent.  If I want to take a fief with crime, I may work down the S&D ahead of time, if I can confirm that the owner is AFK, or I may raid him, so he might not be able to put up a good defense.  It's called strategy, which I use in Strategus.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 04:04:28 am by MURDERTRON »

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2014, 06:19:01 am »
Less fiefs, cheaper gear. Scarcity breeds competition, and places a premium on activity. In other news we should radically change the way strategus works, but ain't nobody got time for that. 
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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2014, 07:47:48 pm »
I mostly agree, but it sucks that the most active and reliable players get the 'reward' of sitting in a fief with no chance to campaign or lead armies. They get bored, i pull my next most reliable and competent trader or military player to sit in their fief instead till i only have enough active players to camp fiefs and barely trade enough to afford upkeep. That was with one city and one castle next to each other, we'd already given away 2 villages and a castle to prevent overreaching. Finally we gave away our last castle, camped a city with noone left to trade and went full inactive, crime ate everything i assume, havent checked.

That's what happens, most players hate camping a fief for months, and that's what crime does.

The funny thing is, it's exaxtly like the lords in Warband, but I guess in Warband, trade is automated. 

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2014, 08:57:15 pm »
I doubt there will be any wide sweeping changes to strategus but i always had hoped it would be more akin to the SP experience.

I'd love to see some kind of retinue vs levy system. Each individual can recruit a retinue, equip however they want at their own expense. Levies would be based on fief types, there prosperity and population, and could only be raised by the fief owner.

Would allow opportunistic strikes against fiefs that had absentee lords and make the game way more dynamic. However i doubt there will be any update to strategus, probably just a few minor tweeks and a reset if you're lucky.


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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2014, 06:35:12 pm »
In Warband campaign owning land gives you certain advantages, it makes you wealthy and more capable of raising armies on the map. The kingdom's true power emerges when these lords group together and go on campaign - leaving their castles, cities and villages.

One area i dont know how they can fix in a strategus-type game, is the fact that grinding troops means that faction troops are considered 'communal', so the leaders give 1k troops to each of their 4 free lords to go attack something. The whole notion of building your own warband and attaining your own prestige or reputation for building a good force on your own is something only lone-wolfs on strat will know. If facing a faction you're not going to say 'oh no it's that guy, he'll have really good gear'/'we can take that guy cos he wont have horses', you know that most factions have standard kit that someone somewhere has assembled for them, the individual is not the person you engage with, you're not fighting 'Varadin's army' you're fighting a Grey dot on the map with Grey gear and Grey leadership.

The best fix would be a sweet income from fief ownership, it immediately pushes things in a more feudal direction with land ownership becoming desirable and those landed individuals having autonomy to equip their own stuff. Wars would be more frequent if finances required less micro, and if conquest would increase income for that faction. Trade could still be an option, for those without lands of their own of course (again, like warband), or a faction could set up a large-scale trade operation to boost their economy if they wanted to do a bit more micro.

Automated trading would not increase risk taking.  In fact, it would make it harder to hurt factions economically and help idle defenders even more.  Which is just straight up unfortunate thay so many people with no balls play waste space in Strat.

Maybe, if you did something like having villages linked to castles/cities, where losing your adjacent villages would severely hurt your economy, you could force people to leave their castles.

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2014, 12:39:25 am »
Crime coupled with a lack of players and really high prices for items definitely made the round less fun.

Less crime, lower prices for everything except for top 10% tier of items.

All fiefs added to NA, for the love of all that is chadzian PLEASE

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2014, 10:26:46 am »
Crime coupled with a lack of players and really high prices for items definitely made the round less fun.

Less crime, lower prices for everything except for top 10% tier of items.

All fiefs added to NA, for the love of all that is chadzian PLEASE

Maybe even go back to 1 map?

It was easy back in 2012 to build armies if you had this tool. If there even is a strat6 I think it would be important to have this tool built in, especially for new players.

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2015, 07:21:58 am »
Gonna bump this with an idea I haven't seen yet (or if I did I missed it) which is solely about crime.

Why not give an option to be able to completely remove or at the least greatly reduce the crime in a fief? Call it a purge or something but basically you would be able to remove 50-100% crime in one move. Of course it would have consequences such as reduced population (people died while you were cleaning out the thieves, murderers, etc from your fief), reduced population growth for a length of time (1 week, 2 weeks, etc), perhaps a day of chaos while your troops purge the fief?

Maybe it costs silver as well to do. Regardless, it would be helpful when crime is high. One could still wait it out for 4+ days but if one wanted to remove a large portion or all the crime right away.. there should be an option to.

This is only useful if strat is going to be restarted and if crime is going to remain in. I just think the option would be useful so fiefs can be immediately useful when one takes a fief that is at 100% crime, albeit at a cost of efficiency and population.

But strat is ded as is mod so.. take this as you will.
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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2015, 08:25:53 am »
Good idea but how about give an option to be able to set crime or no crime and its extent? That would make sense. Depends on how hard you want the inforcement policed by your gaurds?

What sort of place do you want to run? An honorable place where women feel safe or a place where bandits feel safe? Maybe make upkeep a lot higher to represent the cost of enforcing your strict laws.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 08:29:42 am by Dutchydave »

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Re: Simple changes for Strat6 if there is one
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2015, 09:28:08 am »
Good idea but how about give an option to be able to set crime or no crime and its extent? That would make sense. Depends on how hard you want the inforcement policed by your gaurds?

What sort of place do you want to run? An honorable place where women feel safe or a place where bandits feel safe? Maybe make upkeep a lot higher to represent the cost of enforcing your strict laws.

That'd be interesting too. About the idea of guards being paid more to ensure no crime occurs when S&D is too high.

Some more flexibility and options with crime would be nice instead of "Keep the S&D below 1000+prosperity at all times" being the only way to manage crime.
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