After playing this game for so long there are some thing's i'd like to see changed back or just removed for more consistent and fun gameplay.
First being rain, please just remove it, or atleast the penalties it comes with. It really feels like its raining every other map and its just plain annoying. I doubt anyone actually likes it.
Second, block stun on sideswings. On overheads its cool, makes overheads useful for something since sideswings are generally better and easier to hit. It just feels so random when its on all swings, hard to predict, encourages random swing spam while i feel overheads can be tactically used for a stun to put people of their groove.
Thirdly remove turnrate nerf, maybe im biased as a stabby polearmer but lately i've been playing a lot of 1h and 2h and even on them it just makes me feel out of control when i cant turn enough to keep up with someone strafing sideways, especially now with the generally higher athl on the server. It doesnt really limit spinstabs, it just makes them inconsisitent and makes me feel less in control of my character.