"When played correctly" mcree should never be in a situation where he has to 1v1 a tracer. Mcree is the type of hero who, like most, works best when part of a group. Tracer however is hit-and-run based and thrives on 1v1 situations. If the mcree is doing his job he won't be caught in such a scenario as he'll be watching the flanks of the main group to defend against such threats. You seem to assume that these two characters are meeting in some kind of vacuum, nothing else but their abilities and skill considered. This would never happen as each character has 5 teammates to back them up, not to mention when they met there would be other variables like positional advantage, element of surprise, etc. I don't quite see how your argument of "tracer is better than mcree just cuz" holds any water when mcree can stop a tracer from approaching his team, which is something absolutely essential to her playstyle, or at least severely minimize her impact once she is close by disposing of her quickly.