Jeff (and some other Blizzard people) played a bunch of games on Ster's stream while doing Q&A. VOD here: things worth noting:
In the next PTR patch, Mercy's damage boost percentage is getting reverted back to what it was (instead of 50%). Discussion of the mercy damage boost happens starting at around 10:30 in the vid.
They are looking closely at how Zenyatta feels in the PTR, and will reduce his total HP to 175 if 200 is too much.
The bug with Ana shots giving a friendly Zarya charge is getting fixed
New comic with more backstory about Ana is coming very soon
They have 4 new maps being worked on right now, but note that not all of them may see the light of day
The are working on new game modes, but the first new map (coming "soonish") will have a standard mode
New skins are coming before the end of summer
It sounded like they may want to try hero stacking again in season 2, but they didn't actually explicitly say that
For season 2 they are getting rid of coin flip (I think this was already known)
For season 2 they are also trying to reduce how long competitive matches take, which means you'll probably have shorter attack times at the very least
They are going to add the ability to see ally health bars for all heroes (but not silhouettes through walls). It isn't coming in this next patch, but it sounds like they will do it pretty soon.
Also apparently improved hitboxes on PTR: