Vibe. Seems you didn't get that I was talking about comp/ranked modes in general. Not just specifically for overwatch.
Still haven't bought the game so didn't know the rank/matchmaking is fubar. Thought that was just the randomness of the quick play matchmaking system from the beta. Just googled it and realized they STILL don't have public/private servers. I honestly thought the "only matchmaking quick play and custom matches" was something for the beta only. Never occured to me that they would keep forced matchmaking for casual play.
You're assuming wrong for Overwatch. You're talking as if there's a difference in skill of players when you're playing in competitive or when you're playing quick match. There isn't.
This here seems to be why we are arguing. I just saw the "You don't get your rewards for playing comp so there is no reason to play comp" and assumed it was whining about not getting your digital shinies.
Solely because of your false misconception that ranked has higher skilled people?
Because ranked/comp matches DOES have higher skilled players. Again, I was talking about ranked/comp matches for games in general, not just overwatch. BF4 for example got no matchmaking systems whatsoever so public matches there is just too easy and thus boring. Going organized matches there is a straight up completely different thing. Again, this got nothing to do about overwatch since they use the same (lol) matchmaking for comp and casual.
Edit. ofc you added a PS. let me edit in a response:The response:
PS: CS public servers or random player-ran servers in other games cannot even be compared to this, as they're not connected to any central ranking/balancing system such as the one Blizzard has for OW with their quick match and competitive option. There it's no wonder to stomp since there's no skill-based balancing, it's kinda like joining a random Warband native siege server. In Overwatch if you're destroying in "pubs" (aka quick match) you're gonna get matched against other pub-destroyers sooner or later.
As is said earlier in this post. Didn't know that overwatch didn't have any "normal" server to join/play on and it was all matchmaking. Makes the whole discussion about different things.
PS: how is the ranking system anyway? is it a static XP rank gain thingie or is it something similar to CSGOs ranking system (the silver, gold, guardian, global elite ranks, not the "level 24" ranks)