Played 6 ranked matchs in a row yesterday with 2 of my pals. 5 times out of 6 we got utterly squashed in attack/defense... and lost very short the 6th time. Shit gaming night
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](
I still see a looooooooooot of small groups/solo guys in ranked that doesnt know the basics of push together/stay grouped/be aware. As soon as my team is wiped once, they just keep spawning and rushing to die alone until a hopeless situation is created (enemy team able to spam their ults). Also lots of map awareness problems where they all stack up at the front gate/road even with flank heroes and every tracer/genji/reaper-like heroes just keep coming off our back and kill 1 or 2 guys before we can react.
I'm slowly switching out off McCree due to these poor performances in ranked matches. He is a cool flanker to play with, but when the enemy team is superior he is unable to turn the tables: his skills are nice to kill 1 guy every 10 seconds or so, but when you have a wiped team on your hands you can only flee, and most likely die because no evade skill and slow movement speed.
Began to play zenyatta and good feels so far, pretty OP support/debuff/attack char when you're not focused.