Been playing lucio and zenyatta a lot, pretty good stuff. I like doing the supporting, but both of these were decently viable as offensive as well. Especially lucio. Did some genji but he felt a bit underwhelming at times to me, some games i did really well with him, but a lot of times i would lose track of enemies if my shift didnt kill. And the ult felt like it takes too long to launch, doesnt hit hard enough and should add some hp. I barely caught up to anyone with it and needed like 4 or 5 hits to kill a big guy, i wouldve rather had the spin2win ult the shotgun guy has, that stuff kills everyone instantly.
Overall the game seems pretty good so far, just a bit too bland and fast. Maps could use some size, and there could be some more penalty to dying, feelts like im just rushing in constantly now with little consequence. I think a mode where you perma die would be fun, like battle mode. Force some more thinking and less forcing yourself in.