Post patch (potentially): 2 * head weight + body weight + leg weight + 6 * glove weight - the threshold listed above with the same exponential scaling
Given this, my total effective weight is: 2(2.4) + 12.9 + 0.8 + 6(0.7) = 22.7
22.7- 2(6) = 10.7 wpf malus due to weight.
What exactly does this 10.7 mean? I have a maximum of 184 wpf, and according to all the calculators, post-patch I will have an effective wpf of 167.
184 - 10.7 = ~173 =/= 167.
Is 10.7 the percent of wpf we lose? In that case 184 * .107 = 19.688
184 - 19.688 = ~164 =/= 167
So it still doesn't work out nicely... any insight you could give us as to what the number left over after finding your effective weight and subtracting the threshold actually means?