Genres i like: RTS, FPSs, RPGs, MMORPGs, Action, Adventure, Sport (as long as it's not Succker or driving).
Examples Given of the kind of games/franchises i like: Age of Empires 2, Deus Ex, Far Cry, COD, Battlefield, Red Orchestra, Total War games, Dreamfall The Longest Journey, Fable, Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge, Sleeping Dogs, Condemned, SWAT 4, Bioshock, Payday 2, Spec Ops The Line, Grandia, System Shock 2, Splinter Cell, Doom 3, LA Noire, Wolfenstein games after 3D, GTA. Fallout, Max Payne, WoW, Left 4 Dead, Postal 2, Tomb Raider, Company of Heroes, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Examples of games/type of games i hate: Cliché poor indie games that try to portray their work as art, Driving games, Soccer games, Point and click adventure games (to a certain degree), Dishonored, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Diablo, Portal, Batman Arkham series, FEAR, Borderlands, Hotline Miami, Skyrim
Recommend me good games and i will give you free internet tickets.