The serious sam games are always nice to come back to.
Shadow warrior is also a sort of similar game to serious sam, but with amazing dismemberment and satisfying katana combat, and some guns that are also quite enjoyable but nowhere close to the katana. Cheesy storyline with punchlines/catchfrases etc, but very enjoyable overall.
I guess Metro: Last Light if you are into more story based. Felt very lackluster in gameplay, but the story and setting/atmosphere was quite ok.
RAGE is a really cool underrated game IMO, satisfying fun gunplay with very alive enemies which are constantly on the move, dodging your shit so you have to keep up with a couple of neat weapons to make use of. Story is meh, cant really remember much of it, it wasnt bad but it wasnt funny either iirc. But i never was one for story, i play the game for the gameplay purely.