in Strategus both is important, everything is about numbers and 2D ugly map and some trading, walking around towns and shit, awful
Ugh, this. The battles, diplomacy, "RP", and picking cool equipment were the only things fun about Strateus--that, and the very competitive nature. Literally everything else is as fun as raking leaves with vipers latched onto your nipples.
This, with mechanics that reward turtling and alliances. Hue.
So Strat being boring as shit is part of the issue.
Then there's a simple lack of interest in the aging mod for an aging game. It still occupies a niche but that'll only get it so far. The same maps, mechanics, game modes, and equipment gets really old after years lol. That, and I'm not sure if many new players are trickling in and circulating around to keep shit fresh. That's really the important bit. Without new blood the mod'll slowly bleed out. Not sure how one would even advertise for this, or of it'd be worth it given how free it is.
Its not THAT bad yet. A little sparse on weeknights, but otherwise ok. Strat fights aren't the things they used to be but that's understandable. Mod isn't on the ascent, but its a sorta normal decline. Very slow.