cRPG will die when there's another game that has game mechanics that are just as engaging.
I do miss the clan tournaments of the early years, but that's tied to a different culture. Those clans were home to competitive schools of thought, and had people who cared a lot about the game. Granted, that results in shitty behavior and all sorts of abuses, but the interest was there, partially because the novelty was still there. Strat of old was entertaining because it was so impossible. 6 hour sieges? Coordinating dozens of people 24 hours a day? remember those? Who has time for that any more? Or interest?
All the roleplayers, too. Not like RPG roles, but like wrestling personalities. We were less jaded. Less cynical.
We've grown up as a game community, and there's nothing left to do but enjoy our retirement, teach whatever new kids show interest, and wait for the inevitable.