With some good player like Tor from searider and Gtx from risen, we tested pole stun-range and shields
And even if i am a shielder, and Tor is a well know Pole user, and Gtx is a 2hander. we all agreed
that Polestun is Op at moment, not as stun itself but combined with long range+dmg and also good speed of pole.
We also tested huscarl and steel shield (both masterpiece) and we all agreed that, non crash weapons do too less dmg. my steel shield received over 100 hit from tor with a bec de corbin and remained Perfect. that is retarded. and also is retarded that Tor with a 2h axe can destroy my steel shield in 5-6 hit. and a huscarl in 4.
We need a compromise. the main issue here is that non crushing weapon do too less dmg, and crushing do too much.
imho my steel shield should be destroyed by 50 max hit of bec de corbin, but also cant be destroyed by only 5 hit of a 2h axe but more like was pre-patch. 15-17 hit.,so we are here for say, and i hope many good player agree. that polestun crush weapons and shield loom, need asap a rebalance.
i am not trolling so take serious this thread, and tor and gtx and i hope other will confirm this. what you wanna more? when top players talk AGAINST theyr own weapons? Tor Pole, and me shielder? and one of top 2handers confirm.