If you do this then you are retarded.
If you have gold problems in cRPG in 2014 you are retarded.
The game throws gold at you every 30 seconds to a minute, I thought playing as cav I would lose money but no, still making it even on my cav alt.
I think only ppl who have upkeep issues are trying to crutch: on average, a better player will have a better income, since you are more likely to win, therefor more likely to get a multi, so make more money. SO the better you are, the more money you make, the better gear you can upkeep, so you do even better because of the gear. So, in short, better players get to use better gear.
While many will cry that this is unfair, I don't ever remember reading ANYWHERE that this game was supposed to be fair. If you have upkeep problems, you are a noob and should dress as a peasant, once you have mastered that, buy better gear and use it. Simples.