
Did u know this?

Yes I got rich by that
Damn I would be rich if u said that earlier

Author Topic: Why is it possible to create 10k gold within seconds?  (Read 3677 times)

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Re: Why is it possible to create 10k gold within seconds?
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2014, 12:38:53 pm »
My upkeep of 1100 max never got me anywhere, broke even, had the worst luck with repairs.

Now my upkeep max is jsut over 600 cos long spiked club instead of bardiche, i'm finally making gold when i play, but you still make very little. It's easy for people who grind or market-shark or leech to ignore upkeep or act like gold is nothing special, but for most of us it still is.

As I wrote: want better gear? GET BETTER AT GAME, win more, wear what you want cause your crpg funds look like this:

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I don't know enough

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Re: Why is it possible to create 10k gold within seconds?
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2014, 01:09:56 pm »
3,798 and i can upkeep that but normaly i go with eq for 2k
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Re: Why is it possible to create 10k gold within seconds?
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2014, 08:07:23 pm »
I usually wear between 300g and 2000g of items. and make 10-15k gold over the course of a day. Sometimes I wear my loomed plate at 4000g max repair and I do sometimes lose 1000g/round doing that, Other times I play in plate for an hour and break even.

The banner slot is a huge gold sink, especially if you are paying for it solo. I used to have my own personal banner AND a custom title to renew each month. If you need to make that much money you can grind to sell loom points or be active on the marketplace. Of those two I think marketplace is the better choice. If you are grinding for loom points it takes the fun out of the game. With the market you just put up an offer to trade your polearm for other polearm, or bow for bow, etc. and ask for a little money on the side. As long as you aren't picky about which +item you have, you can make gold while still playing crpg for fun instead of profit.

You should check (and post) your gold gained/repair cost chart from the website. I bet repairs aren't as bad as you think, it's just that the gold from playing isn't huge (even at x5)
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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

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Re: Why is it possible to create 10k gold within seconds?
« Reply #48 on: August 14, 2014, 08:49:16 pm »
Just wait til CD keys go on sale then buy a bunch of them.
Get a VPN for multiple IP addresses.
10k multiplies pretty fast, collect whatever you have weekly.
Purchase heirlooms.
Fucking destroy the CRPG economy.

Edit: I don't endorse this. But if you want it fixed exploit the fucking dog shit out of it first.
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