Archers are strong as they are! A experianced one can take out a horse with 3 arrows! Archers are strong enough as they are, they are at a good speed now! Sure, I tried a archer they seem slow when you are one, but good when your not! I tried a 2 hander and i suked at it when i was one but other people were better! So someone somewhere is better at you at something! Noone is better than everyone at everything! If you dont like it try something else! (when they add retirement) I have tried every class, and found im good at flamberge and cav, but some people are much better. So you cant expect to be the best, someone is always better at something! Stop whining noone likes whiners, but yet everyone does. So just try something else. Archers still do alot of damage, i hate them because they kill me so easily. You see, everyone has a weakness and everyone has a strenght, sometimes you cant find them, but you have them.