I dont know what the Lance of compensation was exactly, but I was about to start a thread about couching and great lances.
The great lance is very weak, and couching is both really uneffective and impratical to use
Cons :
-very easy to dodge when aware of it, and dangerous to use in that situation
-you are helpless at close range
-cannot be used on foot
-takes 2 slots
-loses 100% of the time against heavy lance no matter what ! (biggest issue, its both unrealistic and making the item worthless)
-difficult to aim and dangerous to allies
-big cooldown
-needs speed, open map and flat ground
-slow animation
-only type of defense you can have is a shield, and it doesnt work when couching
-two slots
-no stab animation
Pros :
-doesnt need any wpf to be "effective"
-low cost
-cant be parried
-smash shields
-damage when it hits in the right conditions
Compared to heavy lance the only advantage is : 40 more couching lengh, and its only relevent against infantry
I m fine with almost all the cons, lots of them makes perfect sense and are needed for balance reasons. It should stay to difficult to use and situational. But right now the only reason to use a great lance is for roleplaying, it should at the very least offer one edge on a particular field. And adding a bit of trouble to polearm lancers would not hurt in my opinion, since they are king in almost all fields.
Suggestions :
-make the great lance or other added couching weapons long enough to put heavy lance and other polearm cavalry at risk, but short enough to be countered by timed pikes and long spear stabs
and/or :
-make the animation last as long as you stay fast enough to maintain it
-add various lances with various ranges (but still longer than the one offered at the moment) with different couching speed animation
-lower the couching cooldown
-raise the item prices (prevents every 1wpf user to use it all the time and makes wpf at least a bit relevent to the weapon usage)
-make them one slot, 2h cavalry will be able to use them with a shield if they can, and polearm cavalry who want to use them will be able to keep an infantry weapon (at the expense of the shield).
-make the shield raise work
-remove the couching option from other lances ?