Author Topic: Why the Longbow hate?  (Read 4324 times)

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2011, 04:14:49 pm »
Yeah he also claimed he used mw bodkin and mw longbow, there would have been a slight speed bonus because I was running at him. It could be possible that two arrows hit me at the exact same time in the exact same place, however I was an admin on the server and I used the show names cheat when I died to see his position and there were no other enemy archers in the same direction. His name was TS_saggitarius, he was also suprised that he killed me. On a side note, just before he shot and killed me a player glanced on me with a sickle, the amount of damage he did was not even displayed on my health bar... If that makes much of a difference

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2011, 04:21:38 pm »
As a longbowman I can say I do damage and that I am fairly deadly at medium range (long range like I thought I would be, not so much, despite having 160 archery wpf I'm still not accurate enough to hit my target 80% of the time, it's kind of a lottery).

I do believe that the longbow is balanced very well, because as an archer, I get one shot by someone with a warbow, 6pd and bodkin arrows from a hit to the chest, and i'm completely fine by that, the weapon is for dealing with light armoured targets, much like being smacked by a 2hander/polearm, I tend not to survive very well.

As a medium armour (9.5 lamellar armour and up) to heavy armour user you should expect the longbow to hurt.

Finally, I would like to point out the hit on that "armour plate" that that guy did, he hit with the longbow at the bottom, and the other bow in the middle, just work out why I would say that it wasn't a fair test... (His wpf wasn't high enough for the longbow as well)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 04:58:45 pm by Tennenoth »
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2011, 05:17:36 pm »
As a longbowman I can say I do damage and that I am fairly deadly at medium range (long range like I thought I would be, not so much, despite having 160 archery wpf I'm still not accurate enough to hit my target 80% of the time, it's kind of a lottery).

I know how you feel, the Longbow feels more like its designed for bottlenecks or areas where the enemy is going to be funnelled through. Not a bad thing, it's great at what it does and I prefer it over the warbow. It's amazing in Seige games which I tend to play the most.

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2011, 06:55:15 pm »
I was one shot yesterday by a longbow, 69 body armor 5 IF player claimed to have 7 pd and 150 wpf.

No body shot should be a one hit kill with those defense numbers!

MW bodkins + MW longbow + 21 str + 150 wpf + 7 PD -> raw_damage = 83p

Against 69 armor, point blank, no speed bonus and body hit:

average damage: 33
max damage: 51
min damage: 19

HP with 15 str and 5 IE: 60

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2011, 07:33:00 pm »
I know how you feel, the Longbow feels more like its designed for bottlenecks or areas where the enemy is going to be funnelled through. Not a bad thing, it's great at what it does and I prefer it over the warbow. It's amazing in Seige games which I tend to play the most.

Of course, i'm more like a shotgun though, melee without shields should find a more effective way of avoiding arrows as they run towards them than weaving wildly, it's more of an inconvenience than it actually works  :lol:
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2011, 09:56:46 pm »
MW bodkins + MW longbow + 21 str + 150 wpf + 7 PD -> raw_damage = 83p

Against 69 armor, point blank, no speed bonus and body hit:

average damage: 33
max damage: 51
min damage: 19

HP with 15 str and 5 IE: 60

7 PD is for the weak! Try 9 and 146 wpf hehehe
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2011, 10:04:00 pm »
I was one shot yesterday by a longbow, 69 body armor 5 IF player claimed to have 7 pd and 150 wpf.

No body shot should be a one hit kill with those defense numbers!

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2011, 10:40:45 pm »
longbow is overrated for shooting enmassed unarmored Scots, and dehorsing French knights that couldnt get up when they fall into muddy ground

how doth thou explain crecy oh arrogant one
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2011, 11:04:04 pm »
how doth thou explain crecy oh arrogant one

"In the battle, the French knights, protected by mail reinforced with plate, nearly exhausted by charging several miles into the fray (against their king's wishes) and having to walk through a quagmire of mud to charge up a shallow hill into English and Welsh arrow storms, were cut down."

anyways i just meant that composite bows were better than English longbows, and by overrated i meant the common opinion in the west that it is the best bow in medieval times, when in fact there were better, but yes it was capable enough to let English enforce their tactics

and as far as longbow was the weapon that granted English great victories, i think that if the composite bows were in their hands the effect would be the same or better

those victories were due to superior tactics on English part and bad commanding/lack of discipline on French part

but yeah, due to game balance HA with armor piercing bows would be too much, same for cav with lances longer than pikes (as it also got its place in history^^)

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2011, 10:33:42 am »
In the mud.
it was rainy and damp.
No, in that scenario your composite bow would not have been as good as a longbow. Good luck.
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2011, 11:20:35 am »
In the mud.
it was rainy and damp.
No, in that scenario your composite bow would not have been as good as a longbow. Good luck.

"Furthermore, their weapons were damaged by the brief thunderstorm that had preceded the battle, while the longbowmen had unstrung their bows until the rain stopped – in fact Froissart relates that they did not withdraw their bows from their covers or sheaths till the first volley from the Genoese failed"

they kept their longbows away from rain, now why would they wait so long to make them ready to fire ? and most importantly why the same couldnt be done for the composite bows ? we know composite bows came with leather case to protect them from rain etc.

so do you suggest that if English would have composite bows instead of longbows they would all of a sudden sit in the rain with their bows ready to shoot, instead keeping them in dry place and taking them out just before battle start ?

oh the ignorants in this thread ^^

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2011, 07:48:23 pm »
"Furthermore, their weapons were damaged by the brief thunderstorm that had preceded the battle, while the longbowmen had unstrung their bows until the rain stopped – in fact Froissart relates that they did not withdraw their bows from their covers or sheaths till the first volley from the Genoese failed"

they kept their longbows away from rain, now why would they wait so long to make them ready to fire ? and most importantly why the same couldnt be done for the composite bows ? we know composite bows came with leather case to protect them from rain etc.

so do you suggest that if English would have composite bows instead of longbows they would all of a sudden sit in the rain with their bows ready to shoot, instead keeping them in dry place and taking them out just before battle start ?

oh the ignorants in this thread ^^

I cannot take anything you say with 100% accuracy due to the fact that you're part of GK, from what I have seen 90% of you are horse archers, thus would prefer to use Composite bows. I am English and thus would hit on the side of the longbow.

In short, no one is right and no one is wrong due to massive biased.
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2011, 01:40:50 am »
Having played with Saggitarius and talking to him about his Build, I know first hand that his hits hurt... a lot... but Imo, Dedicated people like Him (MW Longbow and MW Bodkis) and Dark Karma (MW Arbalest with MW Steel Bolts) SHOULD 1 shot you, damnit! They (probably) Grinded the hell out of them. (That's 6 gens, guyz. and 6 gens as an archer, or maybe 3, is still Meh.) I think the patches balanced out the longbow to fill a certain roll, and I feel it fills it perfectly... That roll, of course, is to kill EVERYONE IN SITE! OH GOD!

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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2011, 01:44:38 am »
They've made it actually worth using now. I think it's pretty balanced, having a lot of fun on my archer alt.
Will see how OP it gets when I reach 10 Power Draw  :mrgreen:

Not to burst your buble but with 10 PD wont it say that your wpf requirement is 2 low and fuck up your accuracy?
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Re: Why the Longbow hate?
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2011, 07:54:56 am »
Not to burst your buble but with 10 PD wont it say that your wpf requirement is 2 low and fuck up your accuracy?

Say wut? :(

Can anyone confirm?