I started making a specific list of voice recordings that caught my attention as not working well for one reason or another. But keep in mind, overall I think this was a good thing - good ideas, nice consistency as I said before, good to have males and females actually separate now, quite a few good recordings. Therefore, I only need to point out a few things that I would tweak if it were in my control to do so.
Most of the issues I had were the commands that sounded too casual, laid back, and otherwise chatting on a street corner instead of being in combat. Having done mass fighting scenarios of various kinds in RL, I guarantee that even if you are just saying Thank You, you are kinda shouting it with some intensity across a noisy area. There isn't much "Welp." "Heya." "What a lovely day we're having."
So pretty much, anything that sounds like the people have forgotten they are in battle kinda don't work for me. I don't need to point them out individually probably - but I will if it's useful.
Other ones so far that have other issues:
(female) "Attack their cavalry!" Weirdly pronounced like "Attack their ca-val-----REEEEE".
(female) battle scream. Sounds warbly, cracking, and like a kid who had a spider tossed in their hair. Not real serious.
(female) "ARCHERS!" Probably this was someone trying to do a British accent but failing. Sorry if it was an actual British person, but I don't know any accent that uses the A that way "ATCH-ers" with a flat A. Very strange.
(female) "Thank you kind sir." Several problems. She sounds like she's at tea, and some of us being thanked aren't sirs. Best to leave it at Thank You and pump up the volume a bit.
(female) one of the death gurgles. I think you'd all know the one. Sounds like a petulant child having to go to bed.
(M-F) Death vomit. Enough said.
It was easier for me to test the female sounds because I could just go into an empty game and test them. I'm keeping an ear out for the male sounds and most of the complaints I have with them so far are the super casual tones of some of them and the overall too high pitch of many (but you know about that already.) If I find more specific ones, I'll edit them into the list.
Do I expect people to take my list and jump on it and do everything I want? No! But I figure if one is to critique, they ought to be specific.