
What counters players with crushthrough (Vote up to 3 times)

18 (32.7%)
Fast swing speed
18 (32.7%)
Lancer Cav
11 (20%)
Heavy Cav
6 (10.9%)
2h Cav
1 (1.8%)
There is no classic counter
1 (1.8%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Author Topic: CRPG CLASS COUNTER CHART - WORK IN PROGRESS  (Read 5179 times)

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Offline Eugen

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« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2014, 08:26:18 pm »
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 08:30:54 pm by Eugen »
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« Reply #46 on: July 11, 2014, 09:04:17 am »
How can range be counter by shields if the range shoots at others who don't have one. also if the shielder is in his face a good player with range could stomp on him.

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« Reply #47 on: July 11, 2014, 08:10:03 pm »
you forgot the most important class of all... Donkey Thrower.

Counters: Anything mounted
Weakness: Anything not mounted
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« Reply #48 on: July 11, 2014, 08:26:46 pm »
Please add "heavy cav" and light cav" instead of just cav.

You'll notice all those my old friends on arabian warhorses won't charge into aware infantry or archers (light cav), me on my warhorse (heavy cav); I'll barrel straight at any mofo who can't rear me! If I think they're good, I block and bump, otherwise I slow down, dodge the swing and wheel into slicing their head!

Light cav counters anything unaware. Countered by anything aware.

Heavy cav counters all non-pole infantry, kind of counters archers and xbows. Kind of.

you might also want to add 2h cav, lance cav and 1 shield cav!

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« Reply #49 on: July 11, 2014, 08:39:27 pm »
I don't think any cavalry unit counters horse archers, actually the opposite.

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« Reply #50 on: July 11, 2014, 10:32:02 pm »
I don't think any cavalry unit counters horse archers, actually the opposite.

Only way melee cavalry counters horse archers is if there is multiple cavalry units going up against the horse archer.  But that kind of defeats the purpose of the guide :P
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Offline Eugen

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« Reply #51 on: July 12, 2014, 03:26:33 pm »
How can range be counter by shields if the range shoots at others who don't have one. also if the shielder is in his face a good player with range could stomp on him.

Shielder is nearly only class (and heavy cav for second) that can safely charge ranged without having to do the lucky dance and dodge moves. Thats the reason why shielders counter ranged. The melee fight between shielder and archer after the succesful charge is another story in another book.
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« Reply #52 on: July 14, 2014, 10:27:23 pm »
Chart Updated still needs work.

Offline Herezy92

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« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2014, 01:44:04 pm »
I'm bumping it because tons of new players.
& Chart still need advises.

Offline BlindGuy

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« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2014, 02:05:19 pm »
Don't play on EU battle then. You'll be amazed at how many infantry players, in full heavy armor, will run away if they do not outnumber you 5:1.

On NA even the worst of players will just duel you to the death regardless of class or situation. whether it be two archers wasting all round on each other or two cav that lock up in a corner of the map hacking away at each other's horse (and then charging whoever you just dismounted which usually ends in you being dehorsed and continuining the fight on the ground). This is actually one of the funniest and best parts of the NA mentality.

On EU, enemy cav will exclusively aim for your horse from behind and avoid any head-on engagement like a gnat. Pretty sure this is why Team USA dominated the cav tournament, because they simply do not joust each other 1vs1 and only gank. If you stumble into a 1vs3 as infantry and manage to kill a couple of them and avoid the gank, whoeever survives will immediately run away instead of trying to finish the job.

It is generally pathetic, but not surprising, considering the kind of people we know EU cRPG players to be.

Well, we have many French players over here, it sucks but it's LITERALLY in their DNA: there IS a reason that one of the richest and biggest European countries was never domimant for more than 1 generation, and even then Napoleon built his reputation by slaughtering unprepared peasants, pretty much like crpg today: The instant anyone who is actually prepared to fight back starts hitting them, the French run, it has literally been happening for over a millenia now.

That said, the Scands usually fight and die like real men. Tor, for example, is brilliant player, and I would rather stand and fight him than any Herezy, madraada, blackbow example, who will constantly back away, turn and run, try to get outrange hits in, and then immedietly rage quit or rage in chat when he gets easily smashed down by a player who relies on just beating ppl into the earth.

As for the Rus: You really would think they are in the matrix, 100% convinced that dieing ingame will kill them.

I hate fighting San when hes on EU cause of his cheats (I mean, it MUST be cheats, right?) but at least the mofo fights back.

So, TL:DR: We don't run on EU1, just the French and Russians do that. And the scum. But they die to Horse Archers chasing them down and shooting them in the back, so, yeah, there is that.
I don't know enough

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« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2014, 02:51:02 pm »
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:lol:  :lol:
+1 For the laugh you gave me by writing this.  :D Full of non-sense & fake stereotypes, but stereotypes are always funny. :D

I rarely went to NA server, but yes i heard that their servers are much more brutal and less my old friendget than ours.
For once they have something nice ! I respect that. :)
Yes EU_1 is pretty much : Pussy-Land.
And i'm a part of it by running away if i know that i can not win it. :) (but its' still better than being a my old friendchers ranged)

About the Russians :
There are 2 kind of Russians :
 - Brain-less charger (kinda violent & can work pretty well sometimes)
 - Commando ranged hiding in bushes till the end of the universe. (apparently, they don't see what's the problem by delaying)

For the Frenchies :
In the defense of Hardraada, (omg me defending Hardrada X_X )i rarely see him running away. ;) Moreover, i seriously think he is laking of awareness.
And yes sometimes he is raging, but well, compared to some scands (erhm G...censored...X) it's insignificant.

For all the other Frenchies it would be nice if you can name those pro runner.
Mostly all frenchies are heavy tincans. STR-build. (@REMEMBER THEIR FUCKING FRENCH HEAVY CAV SPAM ON EU_1  :evil: ) I even don't have in mind a single one mega agiwhore. (Only me i guess)

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Edit: What's your ingame name BlindGuy ? :)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 02:58:59 pm by Herezy92 »

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« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2014, 02:57:03 pm »
Don't play on EU battle then. You'll be amazed at how many infantry players, in full heavy armor, will run away if they do not outnumber you 5:1.

On NA even the worst of players will just duel you to the death regardless of class or situation. whether it be two archers wasting all round on each other or two cav that lock up in a corner of the map hacking away at each other's horse (and then charging whoever you just dismounted which usually ends in you being dehorsed and continuining the fight on the ground). This is actually one of the funniest and best parts of the NA mentality.

On EU, enemy cav will exclusively aim for your horse from behind and avoid any head-on engagement like a gnat. Pretty sure this is why Team USA dominated the cav tournament, because they simply do not joust each other 1vs1 and only gank. If you stumble into a 1vs3 as infantry and manage to kill a couple of them and avoid the gank, whoeever survives will immediately run away instead of trying to finish the job.

It is generally pathetic, but not surprising, considering the kind of people we know EU cRPG players to be.

Bascially summed up why I play on NA1 a lot :D

Especially can't stand archers that try to avoid melee at all cost.

Can anyone create a script that automatically bans you if you do not use your melee weapon every minute or so please?
For all the non-believers, look no further than this thread for proof that while strat battles are won/lost in NA3/EU3, strat wars are won and lost on the forums.
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« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2014, 03:52:52 pm »
I don't think a chart will show the real picture. You have offensive counters and defensive counters and some classes have more than one offensive or defensive counter (everything has a melee defensive counter for eg)..some classes force multiply so having more of them than the enemy effectively reduces their defensive counters effectiveness. You have movement speed, distances to targets, terrain, line of sight, player skill... Ideally we shouldn't be talking in terms of counters too much but classes should have some pro's and cons to keep it interesting. ATM ranged seems to be too much of a hard counter to too many other classes, without much of a hard counter to them that doesn't include shooting projectiles

I think class counters are legit.  But whatever small degree of benefit you get from that base counter is meaningless without skill and tactics.  For example....  Ranged typically counters 2h/polearm.  But if a super agi 2h sneaks around their flank he can chop them to pieces. 

On top of base counters there are tactics.  Your build plays a large role.  You can't just lump all 2h together.  But I understand what the OP was trying to do.  There are 30+ classes in CRPG and he was trying to keep it simple.  I have a heavy shielder.  My build is not designed for dueling but line fighting.  I'm slow but do a lot of damage.  I can hold the line and protect my teammates for the most part.  My primary role is to fight in the front line and attack teammates targets.  I blitz in short waves never going so far that I can be singled out and surrounded because I am extremely slow.  On the flipside I'm outgunned in most dueling situations.  I don't have the athletics or weapon master to compete with most 2h/polearms and must rely on tricks and timing to kill.  I actually win most duels with well placed chambers and lose many of them with mistimed ones lol.  Smiley on the other hand is a fast shielder.  He blitzes far into the enemy formation aggro'ing various targets away from the main fight.  The two of us pair extremely well because I can provide killing power while he provides maneuverability.  We've practiced team switching (old Fallen tactic...  2v2 each person shifts back and fourth between opponents to confuse and separate them) so long that we work as a single entity.  When we are both active and in practice we generally roll x5's all night. 

The same goes for all classes.  I spent 10 gens as a 2h.  I built a 21-24 2h who was a blitzer.  I waited until the infantry was engaged and smashed into the flank slashing and moving from target to target.  And I built various str 2h who would stand in the line with heavy armor to provide killing power at the front.  Throwers are very effective assasins.  After the mass respec I targeted San almost every single round.  Vandal (Carthan Caster) is one of the better thrower/melee hybrids.  He pulls people out of the front by throwing at them and then murders them in cold blood switching his throwing axe to melee mode.  HA's have various roles.  My last HA (before the cav nerf) was 24-15.  I was basically close infantry support.  I couldn't hit anything past 10 yards but I had so many HPs that I could ride behind the inf formation and shoot various targets. 

Each class has a counter class.  And each class has various builds which will change those counters.  A typical shielder vs a pikeman generally wins (unless you are fighting oohillac.)  But and agi polearm will wreck a typical shielder because he can work his way to the side etc.  The swing animations for polearms allow them to get behind your shield from odd angles.

Every time I build a character I look at my clan and see what they need.  I try to build something which provides a benefit so when we fight together we can be more effective.  We always focus on teamwork.  But sadly.... as is the case with most of CRPG clans.... our best players have gone inactive.  Oohillac is no more.  He's studying music and chose RL instead of CRPG (smart move.)  Tears plays once every few months etc etc.  We still have vets like Vandal, Zildj, Vengt, etc.  But it's rare that we all end up online at the same time.  But when we do... we generally win.

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« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2014, 09:46:36 pm »
If your mind and body in harmony, you can kill everyone

If your skill and luck with you, u can kill everyone

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Someday i get it back, and remind all of you of what you have rightly feared

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« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2014, 10:02:31 pm »
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