As a starting point in WH40k universe...
Why, you obviously start in 30k! Horus Heresy series! It is the stuff that defines pretty much everything that happens after, whilst also giving a good insight into many of the legions, as well as the universe itself.
Recently finished reading all the currently available HH novels, aww yeah
Well, i disagree with that. But i understand your point.
Because the 30k universe is completly different than the 40k.
So if he starts reading the 30k books, he wont know anything about what is really warhammer 40.000.
It's really not the same atmosphere & the background.
In my view, it's better to properly know the 40k universe before steping back and read the Horus Heresy Era.
And so, when he will read the 30k books, he will understand many things, that he vaguely knew from the 40k books.