Just joined today, I look forward to playing with you lot. 
Utmost warmest of welcomes to you, Peter! The best of times lie ahead of you, and we're happy to have you as a member of our clan. I'm new too, so, you won't be alone in that matter

Earned my first hood today as well!
IF I haven't introduced myself already (why I came here first), I do so now:
Hello all! My name is (for the moment) Samurai Ronin Sennin, new of the clan and a newly initiated yellow hood.
I find this an utmost uplifting, dedicated, devoted and giving clan with lots of rewards, not only in game play but also skill. They will teach you if you will learn!
Hopes of the best to all of thee, my memory has failed me,
had more to say but nay,
yours truly,
Ronin Sennin.