
Do you think that STR requirement for Medium/Heavy tier armours, should be increased?

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Author Topic: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.  (Read 2205 times)

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2014, 12:08:02 pm »
What's up with everyone being so chocolate chip cookie about agi builds being able to wear plate? What the fuck?
If you think they are OP, then nerf it. Increase the effect that weight has on movement or whatever, don't restrict items usage. Dafuq.

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2014, 12:09:00 pm »

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2014, 12:13:22 pm »
Well that escalated quickly :shock:

Plate is OP on horseback, other than that it's fine. However the armor requirements are not in line with the weapon requirements which is the main problem for me here. Why can't I use a flamberge or claymore with 15 str? Not strong enough to pick one up? I'm all for balancing things without restricting usage, but it looks a bit silly when I can outrun people when I wear full plate.

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2014, 12:21:17 pm »
« Last Edit: March 09, 2023, 09:08:10 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2014, 12:42:15 pm »

You're missing my point. Now please try to get what I mean, for I'm being serious right now.

Any character, once chosen to be strong to some extent and fast to some extent by distributing agi/str points defines what playstyle it has. However, he can also adjust it with wearing different armour. A str character can become faster by wearing light armour which kinda changes its playstyle, or go medium armour or even heavy to become as tanky as possible. All three are a viable options with different pros and cons, as it should be.
Same with agi. You can stay at the golden middle, or go very fast with light armour, or feel a bit tanky with heavy one.
Now what you imply is that (for some reason) agi builds have too little penalty while wearing heavy armour which makes them "fast" and "maneuveravle" as well as being "tanky". And oh yes, it's "unrealistic". By the way, while we're at it, how much STR do you have IRL? Just so we can compare how much is enough for plate.  :) All those definitions are highly subjective, don't you think?
Did you actually try playing with the same weight/build with 7 athletics and 8 athletics? Is the difference as significant as you think? I can tell I become considerably fast in light armour with my 6 athletics while still being strong as I usually am with 8 PS, but also getting a big speed bonus, doesn't that sound OP?

What I'm trying to say is - your suggestion is stupid.

PS: And no, I'm still that guy with 24-18 polearm build who is quite fast and maneuverable but deals a huge damage (with speed bonus, yes str guys can use speed bonus. Moreover, as a STR guy you can use your enemy's speed bonus against him). See, this kind of unargumented statements sounds just as bullshit as your suggestion.

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2014, 01:27:23 pm »
So now you are making a double thread since you think suggestion corner isn't enough already?
I already took up pages 12-16 in that thread, just to explain why I was against it. I don't think I got my point across though.

What's up with everyone being so chocolate chip cookie about agi builds being able to wear plate? What the fuck?
If you think they are OP, then nerf it. Increase the effect that weight has on movement or whatever, don't restrict items usage. Dafuq.
Within reason, and of course I think this is one such place that certainly is.

No to raising armor requirements. I've been against doing this since about a week after I first proposed raising them well over a year ago. Better to increase the wpf penalty which few know to be the percentile reduction of your total wpf, that it is. What's the one thing that nearly all agi builds have in common? High WM. So, better to just increase the wpf penalty from weight, because clearly this will have a larger negative affect on the AGI builds which rely on their speed, than on the balanced/str builds.

What I'm thinking at the moment, is to implement penalty tiers on top of what we already have, except target these penalties (at least on higher tiers) towards large quantities of wpf. So for instance, at one tier it could pull your base wpf value and subtract out some arbitrary amount to limit the effects, say 120? Then divide whatever you have left over after that, by 1000, and add that to the normal percent penalty that you'd already have(what we have in place right now).

So the normal weight penalty of 30 (which is actually 30 percent reduction of your wpf) would turn into a 38% reduction. (200-120 = 80/1000=.08 + .3 = 38%.) So everyone with that armor would get the 30% normal reduction, but an additional 8% penalty would come about, due to hitting a higher weight/penalty tier while stacking wpf. If you had 150 wpf, you'd end up with a 33% penalty.

Something along these lines, that is extremely easy to implement as well, is probably the best solution with the fewest downsides.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 01:31:09 pm by Tydeus »
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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2014, 03:18:39 pm »
This is something that devs should do long time ago.
Some players in this thread write, that they slow with they agy characters. Ok.

The real problem is that they still faster than str player in same armor.

Character with: 5 ath and 139 wpf + plated armor = have 80 - 85 effective wpf and is really slow
Character with: 8 ath and 184 wpf + plated armor = have 130 - 135 effective wpf and is much faster

This need to be changed. Both builds suffer from the same wpf penalty, but it have much worse impact on str build.

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2014, 03:20:48 pm »
Tydeus that would nerf anyone using heavy armour right? Sure because they lose high % agi would lose more, but seems kind of excessive when heavy armour is already kind of mediocre

What do people want to nerf about heavy armour? If its not to do with their attack speed I don't see why to nerf like that
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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #38 on: June 04, 2014, 03:37:54 pm »
The real problem is that they still faster than str player in same armor.
Wow, so OP, agi builds are faster than str builds, nerf them now!

Character with: 5 ath and 139 wpf + plated armor = have 80 - 85 effective wpf and is really slow
Character with: 8 ath and 184 wpf + plated armor = have 130 - 135 effective wpf and is much faster

This need to be changed. Both builds suffer from the same wpf penalty, but it have much worse impact on str build.
Oh my god what a shitty reasoning.
In your nice equation you completely forgot that STR build got quite some more powerstrike, didn't you.

And how does wpp penalty affect STR builds more if they lose less weapon points with the same armour as AGI builds?

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #39 on: June 04, 2014, 03:38:57 pm »
I agree with Grumbs, we are "deviating" from the original topic.
What the hell is point the point to nerf WPF with heavy armors...
And for once, i hardly disagree with the Tydeus's idea.
Some of us just think that having plate with 15str is a joke :)
(imo) All the plates should be at 18str.

But as many guys said, almost every agiwhores with only 15str never use plates....
So this debates is in a certain way, "useless" (even if a debate is never really useless)

I hope you got my point :)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 03:49:01 pm by Herezy92 »

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #40 on: June 04, 2014, 03:45:31 pm »
Only thing really would be hitting xbow users with some more penalty, but its a heavy handed way to target one class. Xbow class just needs to have some skill sink and WPF should matter more for them
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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2014, 03:48:21 pm »
I would like to say one more thing :

This debate can go to the other side as well.

Take a STR whore (27/15) give him light armor, and go QQ because he is fast enough and can 2hits you...
Exemple ? in duel : Atze (i don't even think he is 27/15) 2hits me in my full loom heavy armor in duel.
And he is using a medium armor and of course he is still fast enough to move.

So, more i read about this, more i'm thinking we want to try "balancing" but in fact, we are closing doors.
What made this mod original : The diversity of builds.
You want something balance ? => What about Native ?

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #42 on: June 04, 2014, 03:50:49 pm »
Tydeus that would nerf anyone using heavy armour right? Sure because they lose high % agi would lose more, but seems kind of excessive when heavy armour is already kind of mediocre

What do people want to nerf about heavy armour? If its not to do with their attack speed I don't see why to nerf like that
That's what the "arbitrary amount" was for. Who gets affected would depend entirely upon that number. At 120, no one with 120 or less wpf would see even a slight wpf reduction(compared to what they already get), but at 200 wpf base, they'd receive an additional 8% reduction. Change it to 150, and if you're a hybrid with 150/150 wpf split, you wouldn't receive any additional penalties, and the 200 wpf guy would receive a 5% penalty.

By tiers, I meant that unless you had above say, a 15-20 weight penalty, you wouldn't receive any additional penalties. 15-20 weight penalty by the way, is a 15+ weight body armor, with 2+ weight boots, gloves and helm, because you get 10 weight removed, for free.

Also, as stated previously, most of these agi guys don't even use plate. Heavy armor, sure, but generally not plate. The only reason I even have issues with this to begin with, is because of how effective an agility build can be while using plate. One of my favorite builds to play is 15/30 or 12/33 with a strong blunt weapon and the heaviest armor possible. I often did this even without much wpf, but had I actually not been a STF character where I could afford to max WM (or PS, I often did builds like this that would have a max of 1 or 2), the build would have been even better (even with zero PS, because of the blunt damage, I'd often get the same K:D ratios my other characters get).

So, more i read about this, more i'm thinking we want to try "balancing" but in fact, we close what made this mod original : The diversity of builds.
You want something balance ? => What about Native ?
To be honest, I don't really think str vs agi is poorly balanced at the minute. I think it's fairly good. Also, just because something is balanced, doesn't necessarily mean you have to sacrifice diversity. It's just that sacrificing diversity is one of the easiest ways to accomplish that.

Edit: The above concept is just an example of a system that would accomplish the same goal as raising requirements, except without closing off items altogether. I figured I'd save everyone time because this is something that I would at least consider voting for (meaning that even though I came up with the idea, I'm not necessarily ready to support it) and I don't foresee myself ever supporting increased armor requirements.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 04:10:23 pm by Tydeus »
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #43 on: June 04, 2014, 04:00:55 pm »
i am agree with this idea but i also have to say that heavier doesnt means better.
Black Armor is not better at any than brigandine
gothic plate is not really useful because its pretty heavy but it still easilly breakeble by any weapon. the only good heavy armor is milanese plate... but low agi + very heavy armor is just meh

medium armor\heavy medium armor are the most usefull ones so not much things gonna be changed
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Re: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours, #2.
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2014, 04:16:10 pm »
I didn't quite read Tydeus' posts thoroughly, but maybe the percentile reduction of wpf could work like a progressive income tax ? So if you have to lose 10% of your wpf in the current system, the amount of wpf you have under a certain threshold (let's say 100) would be reduced by the current value, but the amount you have over that threshold would be reduced by a higher percentage (for example, 20%).

This would effectively mean that high WM builds would suffer even more from heavy armor than they do now, and this would also only marginally hurt low WM builds.