Implying that there is a natural preference for something artificial like selecting attacks in a video-game, which I hardly find a feasible thought.
Why do we have right-handed or left-handed?
Why do we have different eye-director (cf : The army when you aim with a weapon/ or pratice with a bow)
Why these people do not use the same part in of their brain for the same problem?
The brain spatial logic is too abstract and too complicated (yet) to explain why some prefers inverted & some not.
it is probably because you had some experience with some type of video game action that had trained you in inverted beforehand.
Yes, this is certainly true.
But since i play video games, in all my games (with the 3D), i always changed it. to inverted. why? dunno...
Normally, if you are a virgin of something, you can't prefer the choice n°1 or n°2.
So i understand your point Teeth, really.
Now, the terrible question is which game corrupted me
(if there is one, which i really doubt it)
Edit: and i have to say that the M&B likes are few, and i never played to another game where you control your weapons like this.More seriously, i'll try to explain you
my logic : which is much more "logic" and "realistic" in the fight.
What i mean is :
If i want that my poleaxe goes to the left, then, for me, my hand needs to go to the left (like if i was currently carrying the weapon)
And i still believe that, if at start of the game, the settings were in inverted, few one would have been disturb as well.