Roman legionnaires did not fight for the rights to vote, good god. Nobody fucking joined the legion because they wanted the awesome-cool ability to vote. It was a side benefit.
Yes maybe, but who knows the real motivations of the guys who joined the Legion.
They all had their own reasons. (being recognized, be free after, be able to participate in the town-life when they come back, fight, kill, money, survive, etc...)
There have been no slave uprisings just to vote, no peasant revolts just to vote, no civil wars just to vote.
And again how the hell can you be so sure about everything you say.
You take everything so literally, the desire to have the right of vote do not comes alone. It's come with the desire of freedom, of justice, of equality, and many more...
It's like the reasons of revolutions. It's a global situation in a dedicated time period which will make it happen.
And finally, i wont speak about other countries because i don't know well their History.
But i can speak about what i know.
And i can tell you that, for my country, YES peoples fought for the right of vote+desire of justice+equality+etc etc...