We came to this land as vultures, hoping to get fat off the spoils of war. We came in not really knowing anyone or anything. We assumed everyone was bloodthirsty killers, looking for a chance to stomp on independents (which all the forums seemed to suggest). We offered our services to our neighbours which coincidently was Acre.
We gave away New Shulus as a sign of good faith, and offered to merc for Acre. We offered our military service in exchange for friends and enemies (of which we had none). So when DSE attacked Acre, accidently or not, we jumped to action. Which is kind of why we're here. Perhaps I should have been more in communication with his majesty King James, but we wanted to surprise everyone. Last minute I thought twice and told him our plans.
While we fight to put King James on the throne of all Calradia (which he doesn't seem to want, but whatever), we are very autonomous. We raise our own funds and provide our own men. If we have caused an unwanted war to continue, we apologize. But honestly, we did really want a war.
Oh, and that was uber-cool that SDE let me and Dirk sign up for a battle on their side. We did it as a joke, but I thought it was quite awesome you guys put us in. If we were actually available at that time we would have fought our best on your roster. Though I suspect you might not have paid us the 1000 silver we were asking each.