
Should archers have a pin point accuracy?

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Author Topic: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.  (Read 4214 times)

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2014, 01:59:33 pm »
missile speeds of those bows are insanely good. just lower them and they will be okay

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2014, 02:01:14 pm »
Archers should have a pin-point accuracy only if they have :

- fully invested in archery
- accurate bows in hand

And I think the actual game is just that: you have no 100% accuracy if you have high PD, low-average WPF or a strong and innacurate bow.

My build is 18/27 and I am using Tatar and Nomad Bow. Compared to mainstream highlevel archer builds:
- 18/24 like Blackbow and Polla: I sacrifice Ironflesh and Powerstrike for additional accuracy.
- 27/21 like Spoony and some Quincies: I sacrifice PD for additional accuracy and Athletics.
- 21/24 like some fellow Nord archers: I sacrifice PD for additional accuracy.

My crosshair is pin-point accurate for Tatar and Nomad Bow and rather wide for all the other bows. So only the two weakest bows give me perfect aim. I don't see how this needs to be nerfed. I need 2-4 headshots on average to kill people, and yeah, due to my build and my weapons, I am actually able to land these headshots in a row. But believe me, this is still harder than hitting someone with a high STR build the lethal 2-4 times in the body.

Just why do you want to disallow a playstyle which is harder to perform than the easy modes?

I can imagine some archers are pissed because of the agi archers with their fast and accurate bows. But these builds are designed to hunt other archers. It's like a no-shield-onehander crying about a horse archer or heavy cav hunting him. It is a natural counter, and you are supposed to rage about that. Deal with it.

Less agi archers with good aim = more archers designed to counter infantry, i.e. high-damage builds (kudos, the full STR archer is back to cRPG)
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2014, 02:03:24 pm »
The real choice the game has to make in terms of balance is:
1. High damage less accuracy, great for shooting down chokepoints, ladders and mobs of enemies, but unreliable for sniping and shooting into melee.

2. Snipe and fire like a laser, but deal bad damage and suffer the wrath of every period nerf the community asks for. If archers want the good accuracy they cannot complain abaout bad damage, because that's how it's balancing the good aim.

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Red = No

Don't worry HESKEY, I am not complaining about the bad damage. I am just saying that bad damage AND bad accuracy is a bit over the top. The accuracy is good atm, but the opening post is about reducing it. Which is kinda interesting, because Steeve doesn't even use Nomad and Tatar Bow himself. He is one of the archers who are being countered with them, and ofc he dislikes that.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 02:06:50 pm by Panuru »
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2014, 02:05:32 pm »
Don't nerf accuracy, nerf missile speed. 46 and 48 missile speed are absolutely retarded values that turns archery into a point and click adventure, whoever implemented that should feel bad. Missile speed is the variable that introduces skill into archery. Your ability to properly lead for distance and your ability to predict movement. It also puts some skill into avoiding archery, as properly dodging might actually result in missed shots. 42+ missile speed throws all of that out of the window. Lowering accuracy just adds more randomness, affecting the bad and good archers alike, lowering missile speed will seperate the wheat from the chaff.

Also, make holding an arrow for long reduce its damage and accuracy more. The 3 second holds some people do is just bullshit.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2014, 02:06:13 pm »
My crosshair is pin-point accurate for Tatar and Nomad Bow and rather wide for all the other bows.

If thats not an exxageration its true that there should be some tweaks so that there is a more progressive "bows compass" which would result in :

- weak but accurate
- less weak but less accurate
- average damage/accuracy
- less strong but less innaccurate
- strong and innacurate

I have a 15/24 HA build and its extremely accurate even on horse (thanks to 4 HA skill), but I never tried anything else than nomad bow. If I use another bow that has -1/-2 accuracy or more, my aim will be THAT wider?

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2014, 02:12:16 pm »
I have a 15/24 HA build and its extremely accurate even on horse (thanks to 4 HA skill), but I never tried anything else than nomad bow. If I use another bow that has -1/-2 accuracy or more, my aim will be THAT wider?

The 4 HA skill actually gives you a 40 point reduction in wpf. If you think your accuracy is high, you should try it with a dedicated archer build, who have like 40 wpf more than you :)

15/24 HA comparison with 184 wpf, 0-4 HA points: http://oi60.tinypic.com/wrhq4x.jpg
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 02:16:03 pm by Mr.K. »

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2014, 02:12:21 pm »
I have a 15/24 HA build and its extremely accurate even on horse (thanks to 4 HA skill), but I never tried anything else than nomad bow. If I use another bow that has -1/-2 accuracy or more, my aim will be THAT wider?

The issue is that not just the accuracy count determines the output accuracy, but also the damage stat on your bow. That's why Tatar is less accurate than Nomad even though their accuracy is the same: It deals 1 cut more and thus, more wpf is needed to reach the good accuracy. Other bows either have significantly more damage and consequently a lower output accuracy, or a lower accuracy stat and this results in a lower output accuracy. Or it's both, and than the aim is crap compared to Nomad Bow and Tatar Bow.

The 1 damage point difference between Nomad Bow and Tatar Bow is about 1 WM more in archery if you want to reach pin-point accuracy.

EDIT: Fixed typo, and I am off for a while. See you later
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2014, 02:37:24 pm »
Don't nerf accuracy, nerf missile speed. 46 and 48 missile speed are absolutely retarded values that turns archery into a point and click adventure, whoever implemented that should feel bad. Missile speed is the variable that introduces skill into archery. Your ability to properly lead for distance and your ability to predict movement. It also puts some skill into avoiding archery, as properly dodging might actually result in missed shots. 42+ missile speed throws all of that out of the window. Lowering accuracy just adds more randomness, affecting the bad and good archers alike, lowering missile speed will seperate the wheat from the chaff.

I hope you guys get some sort of sticky balls deseases and smell like my armpits, sorry excusese for nolife fucking cunts you are.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2014, 03:37:45 pm »
Love the archer who want some challenge

He just complaining that low level archers got a chance to headshot him.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2014, 03:48:58 pm »
... because Steeve doesn't even use Nomad and Tatar Bow himself. He is one of the archers who are being countered with them, and ofc he dislikes that.

I'm using those bows all the time in strat battles.
For me it's just hillarious that I'm able to shoot and kill guys that are so far that they are hiding behind red dot (ofc i aim higher)

I also learned to shoot against archers using those bows, they are not a big problem.

I'm also supporting idea with lowering missile speed on low tier bows. It's sad that even short bow have higher missile speed than long and rus bow...
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2014, 03:54:43 pm »
As teeth said, if anything, missile speed is the issue at hand, not accuracy.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2014, 04:00:56 pm »
Beware how missile speed is handled, it was messed with before in the past and it sucked, then the issues that come up are just dismissed as whining. Tough I have not much experience with sucky bows, if that's what's being addressed, giving people time to dodge twice cannot be a good idea. Also remember that ping plays a greater part into such time reliant mechanics, we don't need more ghost arrows.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2014, 04:18:20 pm »
As teeth said, if anything, missile speed is the issue at hand, not accuracy.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2014, 07:01:54 pm »
All bows other than the Longbow now use heirloom points as ammunition.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2014, 12:25:17 am »
I wonder if admins and the like can see who voted on what.