--> I wanted to share something important with the community -->

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I wanted to share something important with the community
« on: April 22, 2014, 08:18:45 am »
Alright, disclaimer: I'm Fucking OLD!!!

I'll get right to it.  A lot of people i like in this game use slurs, and slang that many find insulting.  I often think it's because they are too young to know what it means.  Not in the sense of what the word means, but in the real world sense.  I know most kids live fairly sheltered lives, where no harm can really come to them.  There are no repercussions for saying something disrespectful.

I first moved to Texas when i was 19. To a town called Vidor to be specific.
This incident had just happened an hour north, as in six years ago.
I was told by a friend the only reason it was reported, was that the cop reporting it was new from California.  Now to clarify I did not move here because i was drawn to racism, quite the opposite in fact.  The Klan members are all in the deep woods in the trashy part of town.

The reason i write this is because, i know the meaning of the words.  I've seen a dressed up Klan Klown say friend, and mean it.  You will not forget a moment like that.  People die because of its meaning often enough.  Missing people are not all missing.  Some are killed. 

I grew up in Utah, and as for the word Bundle of sticks people always cited this incident.

I'm not a white knight, or someone who has a high opinion of myself.  I don't think I'm better than anyone, and a lot of the people who use these terms i like.  I believe that some people don't know what it means, and with help from comedians who can blame them.  Sure i love the Bill Burr bit about being a my old friend, or any South Park mention. I love Dave Chappele, but not all of us should try to say what he says.

Anyway, I'm sure i will get lots of minus for this, and I'm sure not everyone wants to think anything at all is serious in life. Someone has to say something besides that is offensive.  Someone has to say why.  Racism isn't some old thing that died in the 60s.  Bundle of sticks isn't just something people call their friends.

Have fun and respect everyone.   Also to the inevitable haters, fuck you I did my best at writing this!
Im your imaginary friend...


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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2014, 09:00:59 am »

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Smegmar #1 NA HOC guy that actually doesn't suck dick at cRPG

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2014, 09:26:56 am »
I agree, never feel comfortable seeing "nigga" in the chat
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2014, 09:54:37 am »
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Smegmar #1 NA HOC guy that actually doesn't suck dick at cRPG

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2014, 10:16:51 am »
 Respect Snufalumy old friendus, thanks for sharing!
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 11:28:02 am »
I agree, never feel comfortable seeing "nigga" in the chat
yes evil white man can't use racial slur
I wonder who's behind this.
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2014, 11:59:34 am »
I grew up in Utah, and as for the word Bundle of sticks people always cited this incident.

I don't understand what the relevance of this article is in regards to the word 'my old friendgot'.

I must say that at least the word my old friendgot is so deeply ingrained into internet culture that it's usage has been pulled away from blatant homophobia. I don't think that with the current widespread usage in internet culture there should be any policing on the word by server administration or anything, as it is not their job to change the internet.

Changing the internet is about changing attitudes and making people understand what they are saying and what effects it has on people, which is what this topic aims towards which I support. It's a well-documented phenomenon that well-educated people falsely assume that they can joke around with prejudice and discrimination because 'they know better' and they assume other people know that they know better. Similarly well-documented is that real prejudice and use of derogatory terms are mutually constitutive. Prejudice causes the usage of slurs, but simultaneously slurs create the possibility for prejudice to grow stronger or in the very least continue to exist.

Using discriminatory derogatory terms is not harmless and keeps prejudice alive, regardless whether you use these terms out of actual personal prejudice or just in a joking manner. I think it is very important that everybody personally realizes that. Saying 'jew', 'friend' or 'my old friend' is in no way preferable to calling someone an asshole or a motherfucker, simply because the latter terms do not reflect an opinion on large groups of normal human beings that deserve respect. Yes, I do not see motherfuckers as a group worthy of respect.

That said, I can't bring myself to not throw the occasional my old friend and a racist joke out here and there. Oversensitiveness and taboo is a thing to avoid as well in my opinion.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 12:05:13 pm by Teeth »

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 12:01:53 pm »
this again

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 12:02:17 pm »
I don't understand what the relevance of this article is in regards to the word 'my old friendgot'.

I must say that at least the word my old friendgot is so deeply ingrained into internet culture that it's usage has been pulled away from blatant homophobia. I don't think that with the current widespread usage in internet culture there should be any policing on the word by server administration or anything, as it is not their job to change the internet.

Changing the internet is about changing attitudes and making people understand what they are saying and what effects it has on people, which is what this topic aims towards which I support. It's a well-documented phenomenon that well-educated people falsely assume that they can joke around with prejudice and discrimination because 'they know better' and they assume other people know that they know better. Similarly well-documented is that real prejudice and use of derogatory terms are mutually constitutive. Prejudice causes the usage of slurs, but simultaneously slurs create the possibility for prejudice to grow stronger or in the very least continue to exist.

Using discriminatory derogatory terms is not harmless and keeps prejudice alive, regardless whether you use these terms out of actual personal prejudice or just in a joking manner. I think it is very important that everybody personally realizes that. Saying 'jew', 'friend' or 'my old friend' is in no way preferable to calling someone an asshole or a motherfucker, simply because the latter terms do not reflect an opinion on large groups of normal human beings that deserve respect. Yes, I do not see motherfuckers as a group worthy of respect.

That said, I can't bring myself to throw the occasional my old friend and a racist joke out here and there. Oversensitiveness and taboo is a thing to avoid as well in my opinion.

As a homosexual player of C-rpg, I do not take offence to someone calling someone else a my old friend, hell I do it myself. I use it in the sense to call someone an asshole rather than a homosexual. I can't comment on the others as I'm neither Jewish nor Black, but we also have to remember just because I don't take offence that it doesn't mean there isn't some homosexual out there on c-rpg who feels the same way.
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2014, 12:04:48 pm »
yes evil white man can't use racial slur
I wonder who's behind this.

I'm no saint by any means everybody who's played with me on EU1 or been in TS knows that, but the n-word and using the term rape have always been akward for me and I never used them, on the other hand words my old friend, retard, downie I never had problem with which is dumb I know.
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2014, 12:07:36 pm »
yes evil white man can't use racial slur
I wonder who's behind this.

Where's Tovi when you need him?
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2014, 12:19:04 pm »
Oh noe plz don't say mean things over the internet it's mean and hurts my feelings because I'm soft and fragile.

 my old friends
You are a horrible human being clockwork.

If i ever get muted on forums, contact me on crpg.net

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2014, 01:15:13 pm »
I can´t take the swearword "bundle of sticks" serious anyways, I´ve never heard it outside of crpg and everytime I see it I only have this image in my head
(click to show/hide)

It´s like calling me "pile of rocks" or "bag of potatoes", it just has no effect.

Still, I should watch my mouth more often  :rolleyes:
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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2014, 01:24:20 pm »
I can´t take the swearword "bundle of sticks" serious anyways, I´ve never heard it outside of crpg and everytime I see it I only have this image in my head
(click to show/hide)

It´s like calling me "pile of rocks" or "bag of potatoes", it just has no effect.

Still, I should watch my mouth more often  :rolleyes:

bundle of stickss (Buddle of sticks) and my old friends (cigarette)  have something in common, they're burned. People are called bundle of stickss because they're insinuating that gays should be burned, as the church did in the medieval times.
"We are living in modern times throughout the world and yet are dominated by medieval minds."
― Eqbal Ahmad, Eqbal Ahmad: Confronting Empire

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Re: I wanted to share something important with the community
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2014, 01:39:13 pm »
bundle of stickss (Buddle of sticks) and my old friends (cigarette)  have something in common, they're burned. People are called bundle of stickss because they're insinuating that gays should be burned, as the church did in the medieval times.

Dude your signature gif is kinda gay.


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