The current durability formula is 10% base plus 6% per shield skill level. Changing to 7% per level would make things worse for most shielders. The only people who have the right to complain about this change, imo, are people who had a knightly kite shield. That's not to say the shields were nerfed, because they weren't; all of the shields are still good, including the KKS. As far as crushthrough goes, if you're relying on your shield for anything, then you're fighting CT wrong.
What i was told, that it would be base and then +5% per skill level.
How on spagethi monsters earth would an increase of % per shield skill, make things worse for shielders?
strangely enough it depends on more then just the weapon, but yes depending on build, movementspeed, sweetspot, weapon, loom level you can 2 to 5 shot with a shield breaker any shield. Due to my High Shieldskill people with high str and all optomized as mentioend above needed often at least 4 hits, now 3 hits to kill my shield with 10 fucking shieldskill. Now a MA Elite Cav is some faster then other shields, has not the best of cover but was rather durable in combiantion with high shield skill ... now its crap as many otehrs in that area too.To compensate those changes i would need to go for a Knightly heater sheild, with even worse coverage ... i guess my dream of going back onto the battle servers more regularly instead of fucking siege all the time i can forget about ^^
Although i was not refering to a particular shield, i got 5 different MW shields, from high HP low Res to high Res low HP shields. The low Res Shields have been struck harder then the high Res Shields with the changes 2 to 3 patches ago in terms of shieldskill. Therefor the lower Res Shields should have gotten a higher HP increase to compensate for the decrease by 3 % from 8% to 5%.
Also again, even if you would have reduced by only 1 % to 7% you would have gotten rid of the invalnuarable 13 shieldskill shields. So why another 1% to 2% to then get 6% or 5%(again i was told not only once sofar it would be 5% now). The argumentation which was presented back then to make that decrease, majorly was pointing towards the invulnurable shield with lvl 13, to nerf anything more was already overdoing it.
So tell me what you want, i know how often my shield breaks nowadays in comparison to before, while the stats of the Elite Cav didnt really change(you first put additional res onto it, then you took it away again, but did not increase any other stats)